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Microprocessor and Communication System

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Microprocessor and Communication System

shape Introduction

What is a Microprocessor? "A Microprocessor is a computer processor on a micro chip that incorporates the functions of a central processing unit on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at most a few integrated circuits." The microprocessor is a multipurpose, clock driven, register based, digital integrated circuit that accepts binary data as input, processes it according to instructions stored in its memory, and provides results as output. A microprocessor is also known as a logic chip.
The basic functionality of the Microprocessor is to do processing. Microprocessor performs two type of operations called Arithmetic and Logic. So the basic functionality unit which consists of Arithmetic ( Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division) and Logic (AND, OR, NOT) is called Arithmetic Logic Unit.

shape Quiz

Q1. What is SIM?
    A. Select interrupt mask. B. Sorting interrupt mask. C. Set interrupt mask. D. None of these. Answer: C

Q2. The ROM programmed during manufacturing process itself is called

Q3. A microprocessor is ALU
    A. Control unit on a single chip. B. Memory unit on a single chip. C. Register unit and I/O device on a single chip. D. Register unit and control unit on a single chip. Answer: D

Q4. Which one of the following is not correct?
    A. Bus is a group of wires B. Bootstrap is a technique or device for loading first instruction C. An instruction is a set of bits that defines a computer operation D. An interrupt signal is required at the start of every program Answer: D

Q5. ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit ) of 8085 microprocessor consists of
    A. Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic and logic circuits B. Accumulator, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags C. Accumulator, arithmetic and logic circuits D. Accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic, logic circuits and five flags. Answer: D

Q6. The correct sequence of steps in the instruction cycle of a basic computer is
    A. Fetch, Execute, Decode and Read effective address. B. Read effective address, Decode, Fetch and Execute. C. Fetch, Decode, Read effective address and, Execute. D. Fetch, Read effective address, Decode and Execute. Answer:C

Q7. Following is a 16-bit register for 8085 microprocessor
    A. Stack pointer B. Accumulator C. Register D. Register C Answer: A

Q8. The register which holds the information about the nature of results of arithmetic and logic operations is called as
    A. Accumulator B. Condition code register C. Flag register D. Process status register Answer: C

Q9. Ready pin of microprocessor is used
    A. To indicate that microprocessor is ready to receive inputs B. To indicate that microprocessor is ready to receive outputs C. To introduce wait state D. To provide direct memory access Answer: C

Q10. The operations executed by two or more control units are referred as
    A. Micro-operations B. Macr o-operations C. Multi-operations D. Bi control-operations. Answer: B
Q11. The first machine cycle of an instruction is always
    A. A memory read cycle B. A fetch cycle C. An I/O read cycle D. A memory write cycle Answer: B

Q12. An 8-bit microprocessor signifies that
    A. 8-bit address bus B. 8-bit controller C. 8-interrupt lines D. 8-bit data bus Answer: D

Q13. 8085 Microprocessor has how many pins
    A. 30 B. 39 C. 40 D. 41 Answer: C

Q14. At the beginning of a fetch cycle, the contents of the program counter are
    A. Incremented by one. B. Transferred to address bus. C. Transferred to memory address register . D. Transferred to memory data register. Answer: D

Q15. The relation among IC (Instruction Cycle), FC (Fetch cycle) and EC (Execute Cycle) is
    A. IC = FC - EC B. IC = FC + EC C. IC = FC + 2EC D. EC = IC + FC Answer: B

Q16. Which is not an item of hardware?
    A. An MP3 file B. A keyboard C. A monitor D. A mouse Answer: A

Q17. Which type of device is a computer monitor?
    A. Input B. Output C. Processing D. Software Answer: B

Q18. The _______ indicates how much data a particular storage medium can hold.
    A. access B. capacity C. memory D. storage Answer: D

Q19. The smallest unit of information a computer can understand and process is known as a _______.
    A. digit B. kilobyte C. bit D. byt e Answer: C

Q20. The primary output device for computers is a _______.
    A. video monitor B. printer C. keyboard D. mouse Answer:A
Q21. The first computers were programmed using _______.
    A. assembly language B. machine language C. spaghetti code D. source code Answer: B

Q22. A device that provides emergency power to your computer, conditions the voltage, and protects against powers surges is called a _______.
    A. PSU = Power Supply Unit B. USP = Universal Surge Protector C. UPPS = Universal Power Protection and Supply D. UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply Answer: D

Q23. The physical component of a computer system is _______.
    A. Software B. Hardware C. ALU D. Control Unit Answer: B

Q24. Memory unit is one part of the _______.
    A. Control unit B. Central Processing Unit C. Input device D. Output device Answer: B

Q25. Multi programming systems _______.
    A. Are easier to develop than single programming systems B. Execute each job faster C. Execute more jobs in the same time period D. Use only one large mainframe computer Answer: C

Q26. Data that is copied from an application is stored in the ______.
    A. driver B. clipboard C. terminal D. prompt Answer:B

Q27. Input, output, and processing devices grouped together represent a(n) _______.
    A. mobile device B. information processing cycle C. circuit board D. computer system Answer: D

Q28. This component is required to process data into information and consists of integrated circuits.
    A. Hard disk B. RAM C. CPU D. ROM Answer: C

Q29. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
    A. distributed B. free C. centralized D. open source Answer: B

Q30. What is a modem connected to ?
    A. processor B. motherboard C. printer D. phone line Answer: D
Q31. Computers connected to a LAN can
    A. run faster B. go on line C. share information and/or share peripheral equipment D. E-mail Answer: C

Q32. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be
    A. distributed B. centralised C. open source D. wireless Answer: D

Q33. Codec refers to
    A. Coder-decoder B. Co-declaration C. Command declaration D. Command decoding Answer: A

Q34. To connect networks of similar protocols ______ are used
    A. Routers B. Bridges C. Gateways D. Dial-up routers Answer: B

Q35. Telnet is a ______ based computer protocol
    A. Sound B. Text C. Image D. Animation Answer: B

Q36. P2P is a ______ application architecture
    A. Client/ server B. Distributed C. Centralized D. 1- tier Answer: A

Q37. ‘Blue tooth’ technology allows
    A. Satellite communication B. Signal transmission on mobile phones only C. Wireless communication between equipments D. Landline phone to mobile phone communication Answer: C

Q38. What is the other name of LAN card?
    A. Modem B. Network connector C. Internet card D. NIC Answer: D

Q39. In computer network nodes are:
    A. The computer that originates the data B. The computer that routes the data C. The computer that terminates the data D. All of the mentioned Answer: D

Q40. Which of the following extends a private network across public networks?
    A. Local area network B. Virtual private network C. Enterprise private network D. Storage area network Answer: B
Q41. Which of the following protocol have file edit capability in remote logging?
    A. FTP B. TFTP C. Telnet D. SMTP Answer: C

Q42. End to End connectivity is provided from which of the following layer?
    A. Network layer B. Session layer C. Transport layer D. Data link layer Answer: C

Q43. ICMP stands for ______
    A. Internet Communication Message Protocol B. Internal Communication Message Protocol C. Internal Control Message Protocol D. Internet Control Message Protocol Answer: D

Q44. ICMP used for _____
    A. Forwarding B. Addressing C. Multicasting D. Error Reporting Answer: D

Q45. Which of the following is the process of extracting large amount of information from a website?
    A. Trackback B. Spoofing C. SYN Flood D. Scraping Answer: D

Q46. Which is a small hardware device that joins multiple computers together within one LAN?
    A. Network Interface Card B. Switch C. Bridge D. Router Answer: B

Q47. A communication network which is used by large organizations over regional, national or global area is called:
    A. LAN B. WAN C. MAN D. VAN Answer: B

Q48. An alternate name for the completely interconnected network topology is
    A. Mesh B. Star C. Tree D. Ring Answer: A

Q49. Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs)?
    A. Interface Card B. Cable C. Computer D. Modem Answer: C

Q50. An alternate name for the completely interconnected network topology is
    A. Mesh B. Star C. Tree D. Ring Answer: A