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Mechanics of Materials

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Mechanics of Materials

shape Introduction

Strength of materials, also called Mechanics of Materials, is a subject which deals with the behavior of solid objects subject to stresses and strains. The study of the strength of materials primarily refers to various methods of calculating the stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns, and shafts. The various properties of a material including yield strength, ultimate strength, Young's modulus, and Poisson's ratio; along with the mechanical element's macroscopic properties (geometric properties), such as its length, width, thickness, boundary constraints and abrupt changes in geometry such as holes are considered when methods are employed to predict the response of a structure under loading and its susceptibility to various failure modes.

shape Quiz

Q1. Which of the following expressions represents Lami's theorem, if A, B, C are three are in equilibrium and as shown in figure.
    A. [latex]\frac{A}{cos} = \frac{B}{cos} = \frac{C}{cos\theta}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac{A}{{sin}^{2}} = \frac{B}{{sin}^{2}} = \frac{C}{{cos\theta}^{2}}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{A}{{cos}^{2}} = \frac{B}{{cos}^{2}} = \frac{C}{{cos\theta}^{2}}[/latex] D. None of the those Answer: B

Q2. Streamlined shapes offers resistance against air flow or water flow, the magnitude of the resistance is
    A. Least B. Maximum C. Negative D. Positive Answer: A

Q3. If the forces are reduced on contacting surfaces, the value of friction
    A. increases B. decreases C. remains constant D. None of these Answer: B

Q4. The property due to which the material can be drawn into thin wires is knows as
    A. Malleability B. brittlen ess C. Ductility D. Elasticity Answer: C

Q5. The property due to which the material can be converted into thin sheets is known as
    A. Ductility B. Malleability C. Hardness D. Resilience Answer: B

Q6. The property of the material due to which the maximum amount of energy stored in a material upto fracture limit is called as
    A. Hardness B. Resilience C. Plasticity D. Toughness Answer: D

Q7. The property of the material due to which it resists against indentation is known as
    A. Hardness B. Toughness C. Elasticity D. None of these Answer: A

Q8. The work stored in a stretched wire in the form of strain energy per unit volume of wire is given by
    A. [latex] {U}_{v} = \frac{1}{2} E {(Strain)}^{2}[/latex] B. [latex] {U}_{v} = \frac{1}{2} E {(Strain)}[/latex] C. [latex] {U}_{v} = \frac{1}{2} E {(Stress)}^{2}[/latex] D. [latex] {U}_{v} = \frac{1}{2} E {(Strain)}^{2}[/latex] Answer: A

Q9. A beam whose one of its en ds is fixed is known as
    A. simply supported beam B. continuous beam C. cantilever beam D. overhanging beam Answer: C

Q10. A beam whose both ends are fixed rigidly into the supporting walls is called as
    A. continuous beam B. fixed beam C. cantilever beam D. None of these Answer: B
Q11. A beam whose both ends are supported is known as
    A. simply supported beam B. fixed beam C. overhanging beam D. continuous beam Answer: A

Q12. If P R = Ran ki n 's Load, P E = crippling load by Euler's formula and P C = crushing load, then Rankin's formula for columns is given as
    A. [latex]\frac{1}{P}_{E} = \frac {1}{P}_{R}+\frac {1}{P}_{C}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac{1}{P}_{C} = \frac {1}{P}_{E}+\frac {1}{P}_{R}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{1}{P}_{R} = \frac {1}{P}_{E}+\frac {1}{P}_{C}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac{1}{P}_{R} = \frac {1}{P}_{E}+\frac {1}{P}_{C}[/latex] Answer: D

Q13. If s1, s2 and sy are maximum principal stress, minimum principal stress and yield stress, then according to maximum shear stress theory, which of the following expression satisfies
    A. sy = s1 + s2 B. sy = s1 – s2 C. 22y12s =s +s D. 22y12s = s -s Answer: B

Q14. Equilibrium equations given for non - concurrent forces are given as
    A. [latex]F_{x}=0[/latex] B. [latex]F_{y}=0[/latex] C. [latex]F_{x}=0[/latex],[latex]F_{y}=0[/latex], M=0 D. None of those Answer: A

Q15. Newton's second law of motion states that
    A. Rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the direction of force acting B. Rate of change of momentum is inversely proportional to impressed force and takes place in the direction to opposite of force acting C. To every action there is always in equal and opposite reaction D. None of these Answer: A

Q16. According to Hook's Law, stress is directly proportional to strain within
    A. Plastic limit B. yield point C. elastic limit of proportionality D. None of these Answer: C

Q17. Torsion equation is given as: If = maximum os twist J=Ploar moment of intertia, Tr= Twisting moment = maximum shesr angle =R/L
    A. [latex]\frac{{T}_{r}}{J} = \frac {G}{L} = \frac{{\sqrt{}}_{max}}{R}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac{J}{{T}_{r}} = \frac {G}{J} = \frac{R}{{\sqrt{}}_{max}}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{{T}_{r}}{L} = \frac {G}{J} = \frac{{\sqrt{}}_{max}}{R}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac{{T}_{r}}{{\sqrt{}}_{max}} = \frac {G}{L} = \frac{J}{R}[/latex] Answer: A

Q18. Impact strength of a material represents
    A. Hardness B. Resilience C. Ductility D. Toughness Answer: D

Q19. Poisson's ratio is described as the ratio of
    A. Longitudinal strain/Lateral starin B. Laterral Strain/Longitudinal Strain C. Stress/Strain D. Strain/Stress Answer: A

Q20. A cylindrical elastic body subjected to pure torsion about its axis develops
    A. Compression stress in a direction 45to the axis B. Shear stress in a direction 45 to the axis C. Tensile stress in a direction 45 to the axis D. None of the these Answer: C
Q21. The force whose line of action lie on the same plane and also must at a point is known as
    A. Co - planar non concurrent force B. Co - planar concurrent force C. Non - Coplanar concurrent force D. Non - Coplanar Non concurrent forces Answer: B

Q22. Ranged Poisson's ratio for steel is given by
    A. 0.21-0.22 B. 0.23-0.27 C. 0.37-0.43 D. 0.57-0.63 Answer: B

Q23. If L=original length of specimen, L=Increase in length, then the strain () will be equal to
    A. L/L B. L.L C. L/L D. 2L/L Answer: C

Q24. In case of curved beans, the bending stresses are distributed in the shape of
    A. Parbola B. Ellipse C. Circle D. Hyperbola Answer: A

Q25. Which of the following has given maximum principal stress are Distributed in the shape of
    A. Rankins B. Tresca C. Mohr D. ST. Venant Answer: D

Q26. Which of the following has given maximum shear stress are theory
    A. Rankins B. Tresca C. Mohr D. ST. Venant Answer: B

Q27. If => w efficiency os welded joint , => R = efficiency of riveted joint, then which of the following relation is trey
    A. =>w > =>R B. =>w R C. =>w D. =>R Answer: A

Q28. When the cyclic or repeated stresses are applied to the material,then it's behaviour is terned as
    A. Creep B. fayigue C. Stiffiness D. Endurance Answer: B

Q29. Neutral plane of a beam is defined as the palne
    A. Whose lengh changes during deforamtion B. whose lengh does not change during deforamtion C. which lies at top most layer D. None of those Answer: B

Q30. In case of a continue beam, which of the following statement is true
    A. It has two support at ends only B. is has less than two Supports C. It has more than two supports D. None of these Answer: A
Q31. Stiffiness is measured in which of the following
    A. Modulus of elasticity B. Toughness C. Density D. Ultimate Strengh Answer: A

Q32. Percentage elongtion is associated with which of the following terms during tensile test?
    A. Malleabillity B. Creep C. Hardness D. Ductility Answer: B

Q33. Poissio's ratio generally depends on
    A. Material of Specimen B. Area of cross section C. Magnitude of load D. None of those Answer: C

Q34. If [latex]I_{w}[/latex] working stress [latex]I_{u}[/latex] = ultimate stress then the which of the following relation is free?
    A. [latex]I_{w}[/latex]=[latex]I_{u}[/latex] B. [latex]I_{w}[/latex][latex]I_{u}[/latex] C. W D. None of those Answer: B

Q35. The point of contrflexure is found to br in which of the following beam?
    A. Cantilever beam B. Simple supported beam C. overhanging beam D. None of Those Answer: C

Q36. If the length of the column is doubled. the value of critical load becomes
    A. 1/2 Original Value B. 1/8 Original Value C. 1/4 Original Value D. 1/16 Original Value Answer: C

Q37. True stress is associated with
    A. Instaneous Cross - Sectional area B. Average Cross - Sectional area C. Original Cross - Sectional area D. Final cross - Sectional area Answer: A

Q38. The unit of stress in SI system is given as
    A. N/[latex]mm^{2}[/latex] B. N/[latex]m^{2}[/latex] C. Kg/[latex]m^{2}[/latex] D. None of those Answer: B

Q39. If sT = True stress, sc = conventional stress, then their relationship is represented by :where ε= strain
    A. [latex]\frac{T}{c}[/latex]+1 B. [latex]\frac{T}{c}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{c}{T}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac{T}{c}[/latex]=1 Answer: D

Q40. Free Body diagram shows
    A. No forces are acting of the body B. All the internal forces acting on the body C. All the internal and external forces acting on the body D. None of these Answer: C
Q41. During tensile testing for cast iron specimen, the stress-strain curve shows
    A. No yield point B. upper yield point only C. lower yield point only D. Both upper and lower yield points Answer: A

Q42. In a stress strain curve, the area under stress strain curve upto fracture shows which of the following property
    A. Hardness B. Ductility C. Toughness D. Brittleness Answer: C

Q43. In S.I. system of units, the unit for strain is
    A. Pa B. KPa C. GPa D. None of these Answer: D

Q44. Which of the following is a vector quantity
    A. Energy B. Mass C. Angle D. Force Answer: D

Q45. Factor of safety is the ratio of
    A. breaking stress to working stress B. ultimate stress to working stress C. elastic limit to working stress D. breaking stress to ultimate stress Answer: B

Q46. Effect of a force on the body will depend upon
    A. Direction B. Magnitude C. Line of action D. All of the above Answer: D

Q47. The unit of moment is
    A. N-M B. N/[latex]M^{2}[/latex] C. N/[latex]M^{4}[/latex] D. [latex]M^{2}[/latex] Answer: A

Q48. The quantity, which is equal to rate of change of momentum is known to be
    A. Force B. Acceleration C. Impulse D. displacement Answer: A

Q49. In comparison to rolling friction, the value of sliding friction will be
    A. less B. more C. equal D. double Answer: B

Q50. Tan gent of angle of friction is equal to
    A. kinetic friction B. Limiting friction C. Frictional force D. coefficient of friction Answer: C