SQLite - SPLessons

Mastering SQLite Resources

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Mastering SQLite Resources

Mastering SQLite Resources

shape Description

SQLite is working framework information center that executes an independent, zero-arrangement, value-based SQL database appliance and serverless. SQLite is the uttermost extensive setup for SQL database appliance in the Universe. The SQLite source code is in terms of free domain. SQLite is one of the quickest developing database apparatuses as far as development and fame. "Mastering SQLite Resources" chapter clearly explains about how to handle resources and Modelling SQLite Connections Handles. SQLite is one of the database technology that is zero-configured, which implies it doesn't need to configure in individual pc's that resembles with other database technologies. SQLite mechanism is not a standalone strategy like different databases, every one can link it progressively or statically according to ones prerequisite with each operation. The SQLite admittance its storage documents straight forwardly. And the techniques come from the support that Modern C++ provides for generic programming and certainly the techniques for handling resources are very much considered as generic programming as they can and are applied to many different applications without loss of efficiency. And the techniques comes from the support that Modern C++ provides for generic programming and certainly the techniques for handling resources are very much considered as generic programming as they can and are applied to many different applications without loss of efficiency.

shape Conceptual figure

Handling Resources

shape Description

For handling system or API resources most efficively and efficiently with modern C++. The class templetes that can wraps up all of the tricky lifetime management plumbing necessary for execlusive resources like database connections. And avoiding the duplication's about the constructors and destructors that has to call an open functions and close functions and need to write an appropriate copy constructor and specifically delete the copy constructor and copy assignment operator and have to support for move constructor and assignment and a host of other small details related to error handling, identity, optimization, comparisons, instead of wrapping all the generic class and handling other class templates.h. All the generic handle class templates have to deal with a few subtle challenges inherent in non-C++ API's. The simplest way to express in a generic way, is with the traits classes. Any concrete traits class is free to override and an expect each traits class to define one of the class assign to the templates and can handle all the basic class templates that provides supports for efficiently and easily handling any type of native resources with exclusive criteria by following simple traits for database connections.

shape Examples

The sample example is defined for handling the SQLite process. [c]# include <sqlite3.h> # include <studio.h> int main() { sqlite3 * connection =nullptr; int result = sqlite3_open(":memory:",&connection); if (SQLITE_OK !=result) { printf("%s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(connections)); sqlite3_close(connections); return results; } sqlite3_stmt * query = nullptr; result = sqlite3_prepare_v2(connection,"select'Hello world!'",-1,&query,nullptr); if(SQLITE_OK !=result) { printf("%s\n",sqlite3_errmsg(connections)); sqlite3_close(connection); return result; } while (SQLITE_ROW == sqlite3_step(query)) { printf("%s\n", sqlite3_column_text(query,0)); } sqlite3_finalize(query); sqlite3_close(connection); } return result; } sqlite3_close(connection); } [/c]

Modelling SQLite Connections Handles

shape Description

The connections of SQLite will be performed by the process of handling the class templates and use it for managing SQLite database includes handling the header and defining the macros. All the SQLite API code has to be clear and that sqlite3_close functions belongs to inside a handleTraits class. The use of the Handles Traits class templates to provides the default and invalid methods since the sqlite API define invalid objects as null pointers and ultimately call the handle class by the destructors class to handle the exceptions and warning messages and then capturing all the connections and the close functions inside the handle traits class and attach at the compiler time.


shape Key Points

Mastering SQLite Resources draws out the following main points.
  • Matering SQLite Resources - Contain the source code in terms of free domain.
  • Handling Resources - All the system API's resources will get handled.
  • Modelling SQLite Connections Handles - Handles the class templates and SQLite database.