LINQ - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks

LINQ Tutorial

LINQ Tutorial


shape Introduction

This chapter demonstrates about the LINQ Tutorial which is a Microsoft's technology introduced with .Net 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 and is used to support a language level mechanism for all the types of queries. Following are the concepts are covered in this chapter.
  • What is LINQ?
  • Why LINQ?

What is LINQ?

shape Description

LINQ means Language Integrated Query which is a powerful component in .Net framework.  LINQ is used to querying the data. LINQ was introduced in the .Net Framework 3.5 version. User can write the queries by using C# or Visual Basic. The diagram below demonstrates the architecture of the LINQ. Basically LinQ is used to manipulate the data from database or XML files in different forms. LINQ is used to create different types of data i.e including XML, relational, even objects and is also known as programming language syntax.


shape Description

In a LINQ generally queries are passed as strings and There is no any Type Checking at compile time and also there is no IntelliSense support. LINQ avoids these problems and is used to provide type checking and also IntelliSense support. User can write the queries in C#,SQL Server or Visual Basic with , XML documents and also Objects.


shape Points

  • LINQ is used for query data.
  • LinQ provides language -level support mechanisam.