You can utilize
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) in
Web pages to recover and alter information. LINQ applies the standards of Object Oriented Programming to social information.
It gives a brought together programming model to questioning information from distinctive sorts of data sources, and broadens information capacities specifically into the C# and Visual Basic Languages. For more data, see Language-Integrated Query (LINQ).
You can utilize LINQ through the LinqDataSource control, through the ObjectDataSource control, or by making LINQ inquiries.
When you utilize LINQ in a Web application, you may need to change the approach records for code-access security.
LinqDataSource Control
The LinqDataSource control gives a simple approach to associate with information from a database or to an in-memory information gathering.
For example, a cluster. You can definitively compose every one of the conditions that are required for regular situations.
For example, recovering, separating, requesting, and gathering the information. The control powerfully makes the LINQ questions from the qualities that you give decisively.
When you recover information from a LINQ to SQL information setting class, you can likewise arrange a LinqDataSource control to handle overhaul, embed, and erase operations. The control does this without obliging you to compose the SQL summons to perform these assignments.
To show the information in a Web page, you tie an information bound control to the LinqDataSource control. Cases of information bound controls are the GridView or DetailsView controls.