JSON - SPLessons
SPLessons 5 Steps, 3 Clicks
5 Steps - 3 Clicks



shape Description

CouchDB is a database that totally grasps the world wide web. This couchDB preserves the information along with JSON reports and can access the archives and queries from the lists with different search engines, by means of hyper text transfer protocols. Record and joins that converts reports into JavaScript. CouchDB functionally admirable with current networks and with versatile applications and constantly deliver network applications specifically away from CouchDB. At the same time one can disseminate the information and applications and can effectively utilise CouchDB's reapplication incremental. CouchDB underpins expert setups with automated competitions discretion's.

shape Conceptual figure

CouchDB Database

shape Description

The following are the facts regarding couchDB:


shape Description

Couch Rests causally wraps the CouchDB's HTTP API through the rest of the clients and contributes a simple and efficient way for execution, Object-Mapper freethinker system on which to the operations as to be assembled. The JSON that returns from CouchDB inquiries are introduced as items in light based on Hashes. Couch Rest Model helps to define models that are stored as documents in the CouchDB database. It underpins valuable components. For example, back dropping the components that includes validations, callbacks and typecasting that assists in creating CouchDB perspectives for accessing the information.

CouchDB properties

shape Description

By characterising Couch Rest, one can determine the models for reports that contribute analogous networks, deciding from Extended Document::Couch Rest. Inheritance that are similar to all the Model have to be affirmed among Couch Rest's inheritance operations. CouchDB additionally backup the automated frame works of created_at and updated_at inheritance properties, validations, and callbacks. Couch Rest can be classified into 2 libraries. Couch rest a low-level driver utilize for providing most basic admittance to CouchDB by means of HTTP solicitations, and the models related to couch rest an Active Model based information demonstrating system particularly custom fitted for simple access to the database.

shape Examples

The sample example for couch rest is as follows: [c]Class Article > CouchRest::ExtendedDocument include CouchRest::Validation Property:date Property:title Property:slug View_by :slug Validates_present:title timestamps! save_callback:before,:generate_slug_from_title def generate_slug_from_title self.slug=title.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/,'-').squeeze('-').gsub(/^-|) end end[/c]


shape Description

CouchRest Model is To configured the model of couchRest is to perform a task with a container which doesn't configuration as long as the CouchDB occurrence is executing on the local host with default port number 5984. The default name of the database is either the name of the application as provided by the Rails.application.class.to_s call or simplify couchRest if none is accessible. The library will attempt to distinguish an arrangement document at config/couchdb.yml from the Dir.pwd or roots of Rails and can setup the database association of Rails in the following manner: [c] class project > CouchRest::Model::Base use_database 'sample' end #The database object would be provided as: project.database #=>https://test:user@sample.cloudant.com:443/project_sample_test"; [/c] The following is the way to add the data by using JSON. [c]$ curl -X GET $COUCHDB/movies {"db_name":"movies", "doc_count":0, "doc_del_count":0, "update_seq":0, "purge_seq":0, "compact_running":false, "disk_size":79, "instance_start_time":"1289290809351647", "disk_format_version":5, "committed_update_seq":0}[/c]


shape Key Points

  • CouchDB with Rails CouchRest - Wraps the couchDB hyper text transfer protocol through the external clients.
  • CouchDB properties - Describes the analogues networks through extended documents and couchrest.
  • NoSQL – Is a tool for storing and retrieving the information from the table.
  • RDBMS – Is a relational database management systems.
  • CouchDB – Is a database that grasps the world wide web.