This chapter demonstrates about the HTTP2 Tutorial, which is the next major version of the HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol). In order to deliver the content over the web user can use these protocol, following are the concepts covered in this chapter.
About HTTP/2
History of HTTP/2
Difference between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
About HTTP/2
HTTP/2 is the network Protocol used by the world Wide Web which is the latest version of the HTTP/1.1 and is developed from the previous experimental of SPDY Protocol developed by the Google. Hyper Text Transmission Protocol was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
SPDY and HTTP/2 over come the many drawbacks of the HTTP/1.1 mainly how the content is delivered over the network. User can observe the improvements of the HTTP/2 while loading the web page.
HTTP/2 is mainly focused to get the optimized content between the client and servers which main drawback of the HTTP/1.1 i.e the websites will work on the same with either protocol.
If the User connected with the server then browser negotiates an HTTP session. Depends on the features supported by the browsers session will be created If both are supported HTTP/2 protocol in such cases browser supports HTTP/2 protocol only because which optimise the traffic. Once browser supported HTTP/2 protocol which can utilise all the features of HTTP/2 like compression,multiplexing, and server push.
History of HTTP/2
HTTP/2 is the latest version of the HTTP since HTTP 1.1 which standardised in 1997 and HTTP/2 proposed in December 2014 by the Working Group. IESG approved and proposed standard version on February 17, 2015. Standard version of HTTP/2 supported by all mostly used browsers like Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Safariby the end 2015. According to the W3 Tech as of June 2016 8.4% of the top 10 million web sites are supporting the HTTP/2.
Difference between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2
HTTP/2 maintains the some functionalities of the HTTP/1.1 and also have the some drastic changes in the HTTP/2 those are listed below.
HTTP/1.1 can only fetch the one resource at a time but in the case of HTTP/2 which fecth the multiple resources simultaneously at a time.
Header Optimizations
For every request of the HTTP which contains the header information and many of the headers are repeted in single lesson then HTTP/2 removes the redundant headers.
Binary format
HTTP/1.1 sends the data in a text format but in the case of HTTP/2 which sends the data in a Binary format these format is difficulty to read but it reduce the amount of errors and inefficiencies are present in textual formats.
Server Push
In HTTP/1.1 Server will wait until the client initiate the connection but in the case of HTTP/2 server can push the resources to the client proactively.
HTTP/2 over comes many HTTP/1.1 workarounds such as
Domain Sharing
HTTP/2 Uses multiplexing by spreading the resources into different resources.
Concatenation and sprite sheets.
In HTTP/2 Multiple resources are combined into single resources for the multiplexing.
Key Points
HTTP/2 Supported by the all browsers.
SPDY, HTTP/2 was designed to over come the problems of HTTP/1.1.
In HTTP/2 User can observe the loading speed and responsiveness.