HTTP2 - SPLessons

HTTP2 Frames and Messages

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HTTP2 Frames and Messages

HTTP2 Frames and Messages

shape Introduction

This chapter demonstrates about the HTTP2 Frames and Messages. HTTP/2 connection allows multiplexing which means multiple requests and responses are sharing the same connection. Following are the concepts covered in this chapter.
  • HTTP/2 Elements
  • Frame Payload

HTTP/2 Elements

shape Description

HTTP/2 have the single connection but which have the requests and responses i.e HTTP/2 will support the multiplexing. HTTP/2 connection have the three elements those are listed below.


shape Description

HTTP/2 messages are known as the HTTP/2 Requests and responses and HTTP/2 messages are in the binary format. HTTP/2 message consist series of Header frames and Data frames. Header frames contains the information corresponding to the HTTP request header. Data frames contains the information about the body and data frames can be repeated any number of times. The figure below demonstrates the HTTP/2 Request message. In the same way HTTP/2 Response contains the header frames and Data frames. Response maps with the Response header and body maps with the Response Body. The figure below demonstrates the HTTP/2 Response message.


shape Description

Streams contain a call and response channel which carries the messages in two directions simultaneously. A connections may have the multiple streams as required.


shape Description

Frames are the messages which are broken into frames in order to send the messages. Frames are contains the request and response channel, each carries the multiplexed requests and responses. In which each request and response independent to others. The figure below demonstrates the Frames. Each frame consist series of header fields which can occupies the size of the 72 bytes These are described in the above diagram.

Frame Payload

shape Description

Frame pay loads contains the multiple payloads and their settings are described below. Data Frame Payload Data frame payload which carries the payload of the actual request and response of the body, apart from the headers data frames contains the data. The figure below demonstrates the headers frame payload. is as shown below. Headers Frame Payload Headers frame payload contains the headers request and response and which is not limited to a single frame these can be distributed over a multiple frames the figure below demonstrates the Headers frame payload. Frame Payload SETTINGS Every HTTP/2 connection have the setting which indicates some settings is those are listed below. The figure below demonstrates the Setting of frame payload as shown below.


shape Key Points

  • HTTP2 Frames and Messages allows the multiplexing.
  • HTTP2 Frames and Messages will use the single connection fir both request and responses.
  • Streams carries the messages in both the direction simultaneously.