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How To Write Work Experience on a Resume? | Multiple Page Resume

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How To Write Work Experience on a Resume? | Multiple Page Resume

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How to Write Work Experience on a Resume?

Before we get to the main question in this article, we are going to address the question that is going on in your mind right now. The question is -
How long should your resume be? Before we answer the question directly, we will try to explain your dilemma in a simple situation below-
Let us assume that you write a 2-page resume and the human resource employee at the firm, takes a look at it, and tosses it straight to the trash can thinking, ”ugh that is way too long”.
However, let us assume again that you wrote a one-page resume and the human resource employee at the firm rejects it assuming that you have a lack of experience.
Now do you see your dilemma? The same question arises in your mind, which one is right??
The answer is a surprising one, both of them are right! Searching on Google that which type of resume will be fine for you is like trying to find the right size for your clothes online.
There can never be a single answer but then again it will only take you a few of your minutes to find out which one is suitable for you.
How to Write Work Experience on a Resume - Questions
    i. What kind of resume is suitable for you? ii. What to keep in mind while writing a multiple page resume? iii. What to include in the work experience section of your multiple-page resume?

So without further ado let us straight get to our first question. When you speak of a multiple pages resumes , we only recommend it if you have work experience over 10 years.
Use a two-page resume only if you are extremely experienced or only if your job asks for complete job history. If not, then we recommend you to stick to a single-page resume. If your resume has a total of 1.5 pages try trimming it and cutting it down to one page.

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Fact Check related to How to Write Work Experience on a Resume?
As you continue reading this article we assume that you are carrying on with the choice of a multiple page resume. Before we get into the details, we are quickly going to list a number of quick facts about a multiple page resume -
a) Can a resume be multiple pages? Yes b) What should be the length of an entry-level resume? 1-page c) What should be the length of an experienced level resume? 2 pages d) Percentage of employers that recommend a 1-page resume for an entry-level candidate? 66% e) Percentage of employers that recommend a multiple page resume for an experienced level candidate? 77% f) Percentage of experienced employees who do not use a multiple page resume? 39%

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Now as we have addressed the elephant in the room ,let us move on to a furthermore questions.
1. How long is a resume supposed to be? Well, there is no single answer to this question. It is different for every person. Try your best to present yourself perfectly for the job applied in your resume. If you cannot do that in a single page resume, go for multiple pages one.
2. Can a resume be more than a single page? Yes. However, we recommend you to make your resume as short and accurate as possible. Then again, some managers have no other option but to stick to a multiple page resume as that is the only way in which they can prove their worth to the employers.
3. Can a resume be a 2-page resume? Definitely! However, make sure that your resume is long because it took you multiple pages to prove to your employer that you are worth your salt. Do not make your resume long just because it is full of irrelevant jobs and details that are not needed on your resume.
4. Why is it a stereotype in job markets that multiple page resumes are only worth of hatred? In the 90’s fax machines used to choke a lot of times because of the second page, also even when mailed the second page used to be a completely separate and different page. This led to the hatred for multiple-page resumes.
Alas, in 2020, thankfully these things are not a problem anymore, most applicants apply for jobs through the ATS system that is the Applicant Tracking System. These systems do not limit you to a one-page resume, thus you are at your own freedom to write as much as you want.
However, we keep advising you that you should go for a multiple page resume only if you are an employee having experience over ten years.
5. What to keep in mind when submitting a multiple page resume? a. Put the most important information on the first page that includes your contact information, your work experience, your certificates, your skills. b. For the next page keep the less important information that is your conferences, your publications, and so on. c. Number your pages, if you are worried that your hiring manager would not notice that you have a second page as well. d. Avoid submitting a double-sided resume. The prospect does sound attractive but most of your resumes will be a soft copy as well, so it is not really worth the trouble.

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What to Include in the Work Experience Section on a Multi - Page Resume?

Now we move on to the final and most important segment of our article How To Write Work Experience on a Resume?, What to include in the work experience section of your multiple-page resume?
When you are submitting a multiple pages resumes , the one advantage that you have is that the pressure of saving space is not on you anymore. However, that does not mean that you will include irrelevant information in it.
In a multiple pages resumes while mentioning your work experience make it detailed and informative both at the same time.
The points given below are the major things that you should look out for if you want to write a killer work experience section, follow them as closely as you can, they are as follows-
1. Include the names of the companies you worked for, include the full names of the firms that you worked for, along with their location. However to avoid irrelevant information do not mention work experience that is older than 10 years.
2. Mention your job titles and be specific about the title. Mention your responsibilities and the task that you handled at your previous firms and the kind of work that you handled in the previous companies.
3. Include the promotions that you got. Be specific and not vague about achievements. If you won any awards mention those as well but we will keep saying, only mention them if they are relevant to the job or the field that you are applying for. To understand whether it is relevant or not refer to the above two sections of the articles.

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Categories related to How To Write Work Experience on a Resume? If you do not have extensive job experience, try to mention the jobs and internships that you have done before. This could also include volunteer work. Only do this if you do not have extensive work experience. While picking out the things to list in your resume keep dividing them into two categories-

    1. Relevant work and jobs. 2. Irrelevant work and jobs.

Try your best to prioritize the work that is relevant to your field. If you have job experience that goes over 2 years, try to remove the irrelevant jobs.

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Summmary - How to Write Work Experience on a Resume

With this, we come to the end of this article and we hope that by now you have figured out what to do with your resume.
For your reference, we have also included an example below so you get a knack of the points that we were trying to make-

Author: Sammridhi Sharma Published On: May 31, 2020
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