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How to Begin a Resume? | Different Types of Resume Introductions

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How to Begin a Resume? | Different Types of Resume Introductions

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Consider this situation before reading the rest of this article-
You are stuck in your boring job, with little pay and a boss who has no consideration for your professional growth. You have endured all this stress to wait for an opening at your dream job. The day finally comes when you get to know that there is an opening at your dream job. You cannot wait to leave your current job and apply for this new one. However you have to apply to the job by writing a resume first and now you are confused and stranded at the same time. Questions are rushing in your head and you do not know what to do. How to Begin a Resume article is very useful to build an effective Resume from Introduction to end of the Resume.
Relax, we will show you how to begin your resume with a bang and we promise by the end of this article you will be back on your laptop applying for your dream job.

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How to Start a Resume? A Resume is something that we all have procrastinated or become super confused while making it. Enlisting one's entire career on one single piece of paper is certainly not an easy task at all. Writing a resume can be very stressful. Like most things in life beginning something is the most difficult part, this detailed article will guide you step by step and help you in writing your resume. Thus by the end of this article, you will surely complete your resume and apply for your dream job.

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Contents of How to Begin a Resume?
    1. Beginning a Resume 2. Resume Introductions and their Types 3. Examples of Resume Introductions

How do I Begin my Resume?: The first steps in starting a resume are as follows-
  • Gather all your information.
  • Create an attractive header.
  • Choose a good introduction.
  • Choose the format you will follow while writing your resume.
  • Choose a font and size, do not make your resume too fancy.
  • Move to your education history.
  • Move to your career history.
  • Finish it off with a short and simple conclusion.
  • Be consistent

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Best Way to Start a Resume
The best way to begin your resume is to focus on a number of factors first. The factors include your education history, your professional qualifications, your interest to get a job in the field for which you are applying. It is advised that if you are applying for a number of fields, you make different resumes, each focusing on the respective field. These resumes should each have a different introduction. We understand that building different resumes from scratch can be very time consuming and stressful as well. This is the reason why we recommend the use of Resume templates.
Once you have figured out how to start your resume, we need to focus on the introduction of the resume. We would like to make this very clear that making a resume eye-catching does not mean making it fancy to look at. Making a resume eye-catching means making it different from all the other stereotypical boring resumes your employer will be going through.
In terms of appearance making a neat and organized resume goes a long way in building a positive impact on the mind of the employer.

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Resume Introductions & Its Various Types
A resume introduction is one of the most important things in a resume as listed before. The introduction to your resume can either get you an interview at your dream job or land your resume crumpled up in a paper basket at your employer’s office. A resume introduction has various types and all of them are listed below in this article.
Each type of resume introduction focuses on different parts of your qualities. Each resume introduction has to be tailored properly for the particular field you would be applying to. A simple procedure below tells you how to continue with your resume once you have figured out the type of introduction you will be writing in your resume.
Algorithm for writing a resume is as follows-

  • Writing a suitable introduction.

  • If you are a new candidate, focus on the point that you will be emphasizing over your relevant skills over time and with experience.

  • If you are not a new candidate and are going to work in a similar industry enlist your previous job experience.

  • If you are not a new candidate and are not going to work in a similar industry focus on the point that you will be emphasizing over your relevant skills over time and with experience.

  • After this the introduction of your resume divides into a number of categories which will be explained a little later in this article once the type of resume introductions have been explained.

Different Types of Resume Introductions to Building a Killer Resume
Before you start with the introduction, it's advised that you first mention a short catchy line. This line takes the attention of the employer and thus will also provide an introduction to your professional background.
1. Career Objective Tips -
This type of Resume Introduction basically focuses on your career as a whole. It is suitable for people having a limited experience that is one to two years at the most. This type of Resume introduction focuses on your skills from your previous job and tells your employer brilliant points on why they should hire you. This type of introduction basically contains three different parts, they are as follows-
    a. Years of experience at a job or an internship.
    b. Your qualities, abilities, and experience in a particular field, explaining why you would be an asset to your employer and also why you are going to be perfect for the job.
    c. Your educational background, history, degrees, and licenses. Combining all those three points together gives you a solid argument on why you deserve the position and why you are best suited for the job.

2. Resume Summary Tips -
This type of introduction is very suitable when you have a number of job accomplishments to list down or when you have a lot of experience in that particular field. This is pretty versatile as you can include this in any type of field that you are applying for.
You are supposed to enlist your accomplishments in about five to six bullet points and tie them around with one sentence that strings it all together. You also need to back up this part of your resume with statistical facts and data as the only big talk will get you nowhere. Once you have backed up your accomplishments with facts, you are good to go.

3. Qualifications Summary Tips -
This type of introduction style is best for people who have numerous skills and are looking for a job in a field different from their previous field of work. A qualification summary usually contains less than ten bullet points. These bullet points should contain your qualities like, leadership skills, authority skills, communication skills, management skills. The order in which you are going to write these points down is up to you, though it is advisable that you arrange the skills in an ascending order of most impacting to the least impacting.
Once you have stated your desired role, use this paragraph to highlight the reasons why you would be useful in that particular job.

4. Professional Profile Tips -
This paragraph is a mix of the best qualities of both the qualification summary and career objective as well. This type of introduction should include a short paragraph or a list that covers your experience in your field, achievements in your career, and your professional skills.
This introduction should include the below enlisted four major points-

    1. years of experience at your previous jobs. 2. Your transferable skills from your previous jobs. 3. Your career achievements. 4. The job you excel at and your respected specialties.

This type of introduction is best if you are an experienced candidate and you have a lot of achievement skills to highlight.

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How To Begin A Resume? What are some of the types of Resume Introductions
The best way to begin your resume is to focus on a number of factors first. The factors include your education history, your professional qualifications, your interest to get a job in the field for which you are applying. It is advised that if you are applying for a number of fields, you make different resumes, each focusing on the respective field. These resumes should each have a different introductions.
The types of resume introductions are as follows- 1. Career Objective 2. Resume Summary 3. Qualification Summary 4. Professional Profile

Author: Sammridhi Sharma Published On: May 29th, 2020

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