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Heat and Temperature Quiz

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Heat and Temperature Quiz

shape Introduction

Heat is the total energy of molecular motion in a substance. Temperature is a measure of the average energy of molecular motion in a substance.
Heat measures both kinetic and potential energy contained by molecules in an object. On the other hand, temperature measures average kinetic energy of molecules in substance. The standard unit of measurement of heat is Joules, while that of temperature is Kelvin, but it can also be measured in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

shape H & T

1. Heat is associated with
    A. kinetic energy of random motion of molecules B. kinetic energy of orderly motion of molecules C. total kinetic energy of random and orderly motion of molecules D. None of these

Answer: Option A
2. Heat content of a body depends on
    A. mass of the body B. temperature of the body C. specific heat capacity D. all of the above

Answer: Option D
3. Which of the following is not a unit of heat energy ?
    A. joule B. kelvin C. calorie D. None of these

Answer: Option B
4. Choose the correct equation for inter conversion of temperature scales.
    A. [latex]\frac{{T}_{C} - {0}}{100}[/latex] = [latex]\frac{{T}_{F} - {32}}{180}[/latex] B. [latex]\frac{{T}_{F} - {32}}{180}[/latex] = [latex]\frac{{T}_{K} + {273.15}}{100}[/latex] C. [latex]\frac{{T}_{F} - {32}}{180}[/latex] = [latex]\frac{{T}_{K} - {273.15}}{100}[/latex] D. [latex]\frac{{T}_{C} - {0}}{100}[/latex] = [latex]\frac{{T}_{F} - {32}}{180}[/latex]

Answer: Option A
5. Which of the following pairs may give equal numerical values of the temperature of a body?
    A. Fahrenheit and Celsius B. Celsius and Kelvin C. Kelvin and Reaumur D. None of these

Answer: Option A
6. Expansion during heating
    A. occurs only in solids B. increases the weight of a material C. generally decreases the density of a material D. occurs at the same rate for all liquids and solids

Answer: Option C
7. When water is heated from 0ºC to 4ºC, its volume
    A. increases B. decreases C. does not change D. first decreases and then increases

Answer: Option D
8. 4200 J of work is required for
    A. increasing the temperature of 10 g of water through 10°C B. increasing the temperature of 100 g of water through 10°C C. increasing the temperature of 1 kg of water through 10°C D. increasing the temperature of 10 g of water through 10°C

Answer: Option B
9. Triple point of water is
    A. 273.16°F B. 273.16 K C. 273.16°C D. 273.16 R

Answer: Option B
10. Which of the following will expand the most for same rise in temperature?
    A. Aluminium B. Glass C. Wood D. All will expand same

Answer: Option A
1. Which of the following is a poor conductor of heat ?
    A. Copper B. Concrete C. Mercury D. Air

Answer: Option D
2. Which of the following is the unit of specific heat
    A. J kg°[latex]C^{-1}[/latex] B. J/kg°C C. kg°C/J D. J/kg°[latex]C^{-2}[/latex]

Answer: Option B
3. The equation [latex]\frac{{T}_{F} - {32}}{180}[/latex] = [latex]\frac{{T}_{C} {180}[/latex]
    A. straight line parallel to x -axis B. straight line parallel to y -axis C. straight line inclined to x -axis D. parabolic curve

Answer: Option C
4. The value of molar heat capacity at constant temperature is
    A. zero B. infinity C. unity D. 4.2

Answer: Option B
5. The latent heat of vaporization of a substance is always
    A. greater than its latent heat of fusion B. greater than its latent heat of sublimation C. equal to its latent heat of sublimation D. less than its latent heat of fusion

Answer: Option A
6. ... (A).. and ...B... of heat energy required some material as a transport medium. Hear, A and B refer to
    A. conduction, radiation B. radiation, convection C. conduction, convection D. radiation, evaporation

Answer: Option C
7. Which law is obeyed when temperature difference between the body and the surroundings is small?
    A. Stefan’s law B. Newton’s law of cooling C. Planck’s law D. All of these

Answer: Option B
8. Heat is transmitted from higher to lower temperature through actual mass motion of the molecules in
    A. conduction B. convection C. radiation D. None of these

Answer: Option B
9. Lamp black absorbs radiant heat which is near about
    A. 90% B. 98% C. 100% D. 50%

Answer: Option B
10. At temperature T, the emissive power and absorption power of a body for certain wavelength are [latex]{e}_{1}[/latex][latex]{a}_{1}[/latex] respectively, then
    A. [latex]{e}_{1}[/latex] = [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex] B. [latex]{e}_{1}[/latex] > [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex] C. [latex]{e}_{1}[/latex] < [latex]{a}_{1}[/latex] D. there will not be any definite relation between

Answer: Option A
1. Newton’s law of cooling is applicable for
    A. any excess of temperature over the surrounding. B. small excess of temperature over the surrounding. C. large excess of temperature over the surrounding. D. very large excess of temperature over the surrounding.

Answer: Option B
2. Newton’s law of cooling is also applicable to
    A. convection losses. B. natural convection losses. C. forced convection losses. D. conduction losses.

Answer: Option C
3. If a substance is hot, its particles
    A. move more faster than the cooler object B. move more slower than the cooler object C. move at the same rate as the cooler object D. May move faster it slower than the cooler object.

Answer: Option A
4. Metals are best
    A. insulators of heat B. conductors of heat C. sharers of heat D. insulators of electricity

Answer: Option B
5. An example of conductor of heat is
    A. paper B. cloth C. air D. aluminum

Answer: Option D
6. Heat capacity depends on
    A. change in temperature B. Mass of body C. Nature of substance D. All the above

Answer: Option D
7. Heat bring ______ change
    A. physical B. chemical C. reversible D. periodic

Answer: Option B
8. The temperature at which liquid changes into vapour is called as:
    A. melting point B. boiling point C. expansion point D. expansion point

Answer: Option B
9. It is the process of heat transfer from a hot body to a colder body without heating the space between the two is called as:
    A. Conduction B. Radiation C. concection point D. absorption

Answer: Option B
10. At what factor heat absorbed on radiation by body depends on ?
    A. distance between body B. source of heat C. its colour D. All the above

Answer: Option D
1. A cold steel spoon is dipped in a cup of hot milk. It transfers heat to its other end by the process of ______
    A. Convection B. Conduction C. Absorption D. Radiation

Answer: Option B
2. Why conduction is only possible in solids:
    A. particles of solids are closely packed B. heat is transferred from the hotter end to the colder end of an object C. heat is transferred from the colder end to the hotter end of an object D. both (A) and (B)

Answer: Option D
3. An iron ball at 40°C is dropped in a mug containing water at 40°C. The heat will ______
    A. not flow from iron ball to water or from water to iron ball B. flow from iron ball to water C. flow from water to iron ball D. none of the above

Answer: Option A
4. Clothes of ______ colors absorb heat better than clothes of ______ colors.
    A. light, dark B. dark, light C. soft, dark D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
5. The water is poor conductors of heat so do not heated by:
    A. absorption B. conduction C. radiation D. convection

Answer: Option B
6. The materials which allow heat to pass through them easily are called as:
    A. insulators B. conductors of heat C. semi conductors D. none of the above

Answer: Option B
7. Stainless steel pans are usually provided with copper bottoms. The reason for this could that.
    A. copper bottom makes the pan more durable B. such pans appear colorful C. copper is a better conductor of heat than the stainless steel D. none of the above

Answer: Option C
8. The equation relating the heat transfer rate glass window consists of:
    A. surface area B. thickness C. thermal conductivity value D. All the above

Answer: Option D
9. Absolute zero on Kelvin scale is equal to
    A. 373 K B. 273 K C. 0 K D. None of above

Answer: Option C
10. Temperature of core of earth is equal to 3727 °C. This temperature in Kelvins is equal to
    A. 4000 K B. 3727 K C. 3454 K D. None of above

Answer: Option A
1. Boiling point of mercury is equal to 630 K. This temperature in Celsius is equal to
    A. 357 °C B. 630 °C C. 903 °C D. None of above

Answer: Option A
2. Heat capacity of a substance is
    A. inversely proportional to change in temperature B. directly proportional to change in temperature C. inversely proportional to square of change in temperature D. independent of change in temperature

Answer: Option A
3. Heat capacity of a substance is defined as
    A. amount of heat required to raise temperature of a substance by 1 K B. amount of heat required to raise temperature of a substance by 1 °C C. specific heat capacity × mass of substance D. All of above

Answer: Option D
4. Heat applied to a piece of metal will cause
    A. increase in its mass B. increase in its volume C. increase in its density D. increase in its internal energy

Answer: Option D
5. Heat capacity of a substance is equal to
    A. amount of heat required to raise temperature of a 1 kg of a substance by 1 K B. amount of heat required to raise temperature of a substance by 1 K C. amount of heat required to change phase of a substance from solid to liquid without any change in temperature D. amount of heat required to change phase of a substance from liquid to gas without any change in temperature

Answer: Option B
6. The form of energy that flows from a hot object to a cold object is called ______
    A. Temperature B. Thermometer C. Heat D. Light

Answer: Option C
7. One litre of water at 30°C is mixed with one litre of water at 50°C. The temperature of the mixture will be
    A. 80°C B. more than 50°C but less than 80°C C. 20°C D. between 30°C and 50°C

Answer: Option D
8. An iron ball at 40°C is dropped in a mug containing water at 40°C. The heat will
    A. flow from iron ball to water. B. not flow from iron ball to water or from water to iron ball. C. flow from water to iron ball. D. increase the temperature of both.

Answer: Option B
9. Higher the temperature of the body ______ is the kinetic energy of the molecules of that body?
    A. higher B. lower C. same D. none of these

Answer: Option A
10. A polished silvery surface is
    A. A polished silvery surface is B. the good reflector of heat C. the poor reflector of heat D. None of these

Answer: Option B