Forest Range Officer - FRO Online Application
elangana State Public Service Commission, Hyderabad has released notification for the recruitment of TSPSC Forest Range Officer 2017 in the Forest Department of Telangana state. FRO online application process starts from August 21, 2017 and ends on September 12, 2017. Applications are invited from eligible [ Check Eligibility ] aspirants of TSPSC Forest Range Officer.
FRO Online Application: Important Details
Candidates are requested to keep the details of the following documents ready while uploading their OTR Applications.
✦ Educational Qualification details i.e., SSC, INTERMEDIATE, DEGREE, POST GRADUATION etc. and their Roll numbers, Year of passing etc.
✦ Community/ Caste Certificate obtained from Mee Seva/ E Seva i.e., Enrollment number and date of issue for uploading in OTR.
FRO Online Application Process:
Before filling the online application, candidates are strongly advised to read the step by step procedure as described below to avoid any discrepancies or errors in the application submission.
Step - 1
TSPSC website and fill the OTR (One Time Registration) application, to obtain TSPSC ID. The candidates have to ensure that there are no errors in the OTR application. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if any, made by the candidates.
Step - 2
Submit the application form and click on the link with Notification Number and Name, and provide TSPSC ID and Date of Birth to continue further.
Applicant has to verify the details fetched from various databases pertaining to qualification, caste, Aadhar etc and displayed on the screen. If the displayed details are correct he/she has to click Yes on confirm button. If any details are not displayed or need to be changed, he/she should click No on confirm button. If details are not displayed a text box will open and the candidate has to feed the details manually. Required documents have to be uploaded by clicking the upload button. In addition to the details obtained from OTR database, notification specific details such as examination center picked, required qualification, university details, eligibility and accepting declarations etc. are to be filled by the candidate. Review and Edit facility is accessible to make improvements and submit for continuing to Next step of making online payment of the fee.
Step - 3
After the above details are entered, applicant will be directed to payment gateway of SBI ePay,
the details of which are provided in below sections
Step - 4
The applicant should pay the endorsed fee as specified through any of the four modes of payment online. Separate instruction must be followed for each mode of payment.
Step - 5
After payment of fee, the PDF Application will be created which contains the particulars furnished by the applicant. The ID No in the PDF Application form has to be noted and saved for future reference/correspondence.
Candidate should note that, the details available with OTR database at the time of submitting the application will be considered for the purpose of this notification. In the event that, any changes are made by the applicant to OTR database at a later date will not be considered for the purpose of this Notification
Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form won't be acknowledged and liable for rejection.
The candidates should be willing to serve anywhere in Telangana State.
For any Technical issues identified with Online submission and downloading of Hall- Tickets please contact TSPSC Help Desk, the details of which are provided in below sections
Each applicant must pay Rs. 200/- (RUPEES TWO HUNDRED ONLY) towards Online Application Processing Fee. This apart, the applicants have to pay
towards Examination Fee. However, the following category of candidates are exempted from payment of Examination fee.
SC, ST & BC candidates of Telangana State
Unemployed applicants in the age group of 18 to 31 years of Telangana State (They have to submit declaration at an appropriate time to the Commission that they are unemployed).
BC’s, SC’s and ST’s belonging to other states are not exempted from payment of Application processing Fee and Examination Fee and they are not entitled for any kind of reservation.
The payment of FRO exam fee can be made through SBI ePay using two channels either by
Internet Banking or using
Debit Card.
Click on the below drop-down to see the list of State bank groups (SBI) and all other banks for making payment through
SBI ePay.
List of Banks for making payment through SBI ePay. |
5. Oriental Bank of
Commerce |
17. Lakshmi
Vilas Bank |
6. Punjab National
Bank |
1. State Bank of India |
6. United Bank of India |
18. Punjab &
Sind Bank |
7. Union Bank of
India |
2. State Bank of
Bikaner & Jaipur |
7. Vijaya Bank |
19. IDBI Bank |
LIST – C |
3. State Bank of
Hyderabad |
8. City Union Bank |
20. Indusind
Bank |
1. HDFC Bank |
4. State Bank of
Mysore |
9. Catholic Syrian
Bank |
21. Syndicate
Bank |
2. ICICI Bank |
5. State Bank of
Patiala |
10. Federal Bank |
LIST – B |
3. Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait |
6. State Bank of
Travancore |
11. ING Vysya Bank |
1. Canara
Bank |
4. Citi Bank |
LIST - A |
12. Jammu & Kashmir Bank |
2. Central
Bank of India |
5. Indian Overseas
Bank |
1. Bank of
Maharashtra |
13. KarurVysya Bank |
3. Deutsche Bank |
6. Karnataka Bank |
2. Corporation Bank |
14. South Indian Bank |
4. Dhanalaxmi
Bank |
7. Ratnakar Bank |
3. Dena Bank |
15. Tamilnadu
Mercantile Bank |
5. Kotak Bank |
4. Indian Bank |
16. DCB Bank |
Channel |
Amount Rs. |
Pricing in Rs. |
State Bank Group (6 Banks) |
All amounts |
Rs.3/-per transaction +Taxes |
All other Banks |
List-A (21 Banks) |
All amounts |
Rs.5/-per transaction +Taxes |
List-B (7 Banks) |
All amounts |
Rs.8/-per transaction +Taxes |
List-C (7 Banks) |
All amounts |
Rs.12/-per transaction +Taxes |
All Banks |
Up to 2000/- |
0.75 % of the transaction amount + Taxes |
( Master/Mastreo/Visa/Rupay ) |
2001/- &above |
1.00% of the transaction +Taxes |
Credit card (Master/Visa/AMEX/Rupay) |
All amounts |
1.00% of transaction amount + Taxes |
IMPS – Mobile payments |
All Amounts |
Rs. 7/- of the transaction Amount + Taxes |
The following certificates must be provided by the candidates for the purpose of verification at requested times.
Proof of Educational Qualifications.
Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming exam fee exemption)
No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)
Physical Requirements Certificate issued by Medical Officer not below the rank of Civil Assistant Surgeon.
Local Scheduled Area Certificate (Candidates hailing from Agency Area) wherever applicable.
“The Local Scheduled Tribe Candidate” means, the candidate belonging to the Scheduled Tribes notified as such under article 342 of the Constitution of India and the candidates themselves or their parents have been continuously residing in the scheduled areas of the Districts of Telangana State in which they are residents till to date since the 26th January, 1950.
Exam Center
The Written Examination (Objective Type) will be held at the following centers or as may be decided by the Commission.
✦ HYDERABAD (including HMDA Jurisdiction)
However, the Commission reserves the right to abolish / create new center or centers for administrative reasons. Request for change of the center will not be entertained.
Help Desk
TSPSC Help Desk |
E-mail Support & Feedback | ? ? |
Phone Support
Telangana State Public Service Commission
For any Notification related issues
Please Call Ph:040 24655555 / 24606666
(Call Time :10.30 A.M to 5:00 P.M on working days)
For any queries in Payment Gateway
Call Phone Number: 022-2752 3796 |
Technical Support
For any doubts in Online submission and download of hall-tickets
Call Ph: +91 40 23120301 / 23120302
(Call Time :10.30 A.M to 5:00 P.M on working days) |
Mail Support
Telangana State Public Service Commission, Prathibha Bhavan, M.J.Road,
Nampally, Hyderabad - 500103.
Telephone No: 040-24747577
Fax. No: 040-24747578 |
Social Media
| |
1. Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of application and submit application through website only. The particulars made available in the website shall be processed through computer and the eligibility decided in terms of notification.
2. The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the website and within the time shall only be considered and the Commission will not be held responsible for any kind of discrepancy. The applicants are therefore, advised to strictly follow the instructions in the notification in their own interest before submitting the application.
3. Incomplete/incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. The information if any furnished by the candidate subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances. Applicants should be careful in filling-up the application form and submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage.
4. Applicants must upload his/her own scanned photo and signature in J.P.G format.
5. The applicants should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or suppress any material information while making an application through website.
6. All the essential certificates issued by the competent authority of Telangana State shall compulsorily be kept with the applicants to produce as and when required to do so. Failure to produce the required certificates on the day of verification will lead to disqualification.
7. The claim of the candidates with regard to the date of birth, educational /technical qualifications, experience and community are accepted only provisionally on the information furnished by them in their application form and is subject to verification and satisfaction of the Commission. Mere admission to any test or interview or inclusion of the name of a candidate in a Merit List will not confer on the candidate any right for appointment.
8. The candidature is, therefore, provisional at all stages and the Commission reserves the right to reject candidature at any stage of the selection even after the advice has been made.
✦ The Commission is not responsible, for any discrepancy in Bio-data particulars while submitting the application form through Online. The applicants are therefore, advised to strictly follow the instructions and User guide in their own interest before submitting the application.
✦ The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final, and data entry is processed, based on these particulars only by Computer. Candidates should, therefore, be very careful in Uploading / Submitting the Application Form Online.
✦ Incomplete/incorrect application form will be summarily rejected. The information if any furnished by the candidate subsequently in any form will not be entertained by the Commission under any circumstances. Applicants should be careful in filling-up the application form and submission. If any lapse is detected during the scrutiny, the candidature will be rejected even though he/she comes through the final stage of recruitment process or even at a later stage.
✦ Before Uploading/Submission of Application Form, the candidates should carefully ensure eligibility for this examination. No relevant column of the application form should be left blank, else the application form will be rejected.
TSPSC Forest Range Officer 2017 - Related Information