DB2 - SPLessons
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DB2 Tablespace

DB2 Tablespace

shape Description

A logical stockpiling container for segments is called DB2 Tablespaces. The database objects are segments, like index and tables, and the storage space that it consumes. At the physical stage, information in one or more data files will be stored in the table space.

Permanent table space

shape Description

A persistent schema objects are permanent table space groups. The DB2 Tablespaces containing segments for objects are stored in the information files. A default permanent DB2 Tablespace is assigned to each client in the database. The default SYSTEM table spaces are used only by small databases. Hence, at least one table space for application data and to store user will be created by oracle. By using the table spaces will accomplish the succeeding goals.
  • Allots an amount to a database clients.
  • Control disk space designation for database information.
  • Make a transportable table space that you can duplicate or move from one database to another, even across the stages.
  • Perform reinforcement and recuperation of single tables paces.
  • Take individual table spaces online or offline without affecting the availability of the whole database.
  • Import or fare application information by utilizing the Oracle Data Pump utility.

shape Conceptual figure

System table space

shape Description

For administrative table space, System table space is necessary. When it is created it get included in the database. To manage this oracle database use system database. The following information will be included in the SYSTEM table space, holds by the SYS client:
  • Incorporated stored objects like procedures, triggers and packages.
  • Tables and views that contain administrative data about the database.
  • The information word reference.
Any other table space will be managed by System table space, yet requires a more elevated amount of benefits and is limited in a few ways. For instance, the SYSTEM table space can't be drop or rename. All newly created clients table spaces will be locally managed by oracle database. In a database with a locally managed SYSTEM table space, you cannot create dictionary-managed table spaces. Hence, execute the create database statement manually and accept the dictionary managed space in the SYSTEM table and can move the current word reference SYSTEM table space to a privately group space.

Benfits of table space

shape Description

The benfits of tablespaces are:


shape Description

Tablespaces creates the reinforcement and reestablish the operations that are even more beneficial. Utilizing a solitary command, one can create reinforcement or reestablish each and every database objects in tablespaces.

Automatic Storage Management

shape Description

Database administrator organize and enhance the capsules relying upon the requirements.

Memory Utilization

shape Description

A solitary bufferpool can deal with various tablespaces and can accredit a default tablespaces to each and every individual bufferpools to expand the execution of moments, for example, joins or sorts.


shape Key Points

  • DB2 Tablespace - Is a logical storage container for a segment.
  • Permanent DB2 TableSpace - Persistant schema objects are called as permanent table space.
  • System DB2 TableSpace - Are the table space that holds a SYS client.