DB2 - SPLessons
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DB2 Errors

DB2 Errors

shape Description

In DB2 the errors can be overseen in the DB2 program by utilizing the validations of SQLCODE after every one of the queries have been performed. The majority of regular blunder and exceptionally codes depicted below. The SQLCODE is equivalent to 000, the query successfully performed. If the SQLCODE is positive, then the query executed with a warning sign. If the SQLCODE is negative, then the queries returns errors. Following are some of the DB2 Errors are:
000 Success
+100 It will end the rows that are fetched in cursors and if the rows not found in the table to select which fulfilled in the given condition.
-180 Describes the date format error.
-181 Invalid format of date as for as month and date.
-305 Null values exception that are fetched using the null indicators.
-310 Here the decimal value is missing and updated the columns in the host variables.
-503 Cursor not opened and the program tries to fetch the data for a particular cursor is not opened.
-532 Cursor already opened and the program and tries to open the cursor which are already opened.
-803 Foreign key violations.
-904 Timestamp is mismatched during bind process when calling a specific criteria.
-913 Each and every resources are not available.
-913 Cursors not defined.
-922 Dead lock with timeout and roll back.


shape Key Points

  • DB2 Errors - Describes the errors that occurred in the program.