Word | Definition | Synonyms | Usage |
Unabashed (Adjective) | not embarrassed, disconcerted, or ashamed. |
“he was unabashed by the furore his words provoked” |
Glimpses (Noun) | a momentary or partial view./ see or perceive briefly or partially. |
“she caught a glimpse of the ocean” |
Reiteration (Noun) | the action of repeating something, typically for emphasis or clarity. |
“the reiteration of his campaign promise to cut taxes” |
Scrutiny (Noun) | critical observation or examination. |
“every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny” |
Monolith (Noun) | a large single upright block of stone, especially one shaped into or serving as a pillar or monument. |
“we passed Stonehenge, the strange stone monoliths silhouetted against the horizon” |
Word | Definition | Synonyms | Usage |
Emphatic (Adjective) | expressing something forcibly and clearly. |
“the children were emphatic that they would like to repeat the experience” |
Fleeing (Verb) | run away from a place or situation of danger. |
“to escape the fighting, his family fled from their village” |
Persecution (Noun) | hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs; oppression. |
“her family fled religious persecution” |
Boastful (Adjective) | “he always seemed to be rather boastful and above himself” |
“he always seemed to be rather boastful and above himself” |
Strides (Verb) | walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction. |
“he strode across the road” |