Current Affairs - Vocabulary - SPLessons

Current Affairs Vocabulary Day 193

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Current Affairs Vocabulary Day 193

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A Newspaper is a printed or online publication that provides readers with news and articles i.e. the current affairs of a country and the world. Current Affairs play a prominent role in several government related recruitment exams in India. To better understand the current state of affairs, a candidate should acquire rich vocabulary primarily used by editors and publications of newspaper articles and editorials. SPLessons has made an effort to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used words in newspaper articles and editorials. Current Affairs Vocabulary Day 193 provides the readers with a collection of useful vocabulary for newspapers.

shape Vocabulary

Word Definition Synonyms Usage
1. Lynching (Verb) (of a group of people) kill (someone) for an alleged offence without a legal trial, especially by hanging.
  • hang
  • hang by the neck
“her father had been lynched for a crime he didn’t commit”
2. Culpable (Adjective) deserving blame.
  • to blame,
  • guilty
  • at fault
  • in the wrong
"mercy killings are less culpable than ‘ordinary’ murders”
3. Homicide (Noun) the killing of one person by another.
  • murder
  • killing
  • assassination
“he was charged with homicide”
4. Sectarian (Adjective) rigidly following the doctrines of a sect or other group.
  • factional
  • schismatic
  • cliquish
"the sectarian Bolshevism advocated by Moscow”
5. Succumbed (Verb) fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.
  • yield
  • submit
  • give way
  • give in
"we cannot merely give up and succumb to despair”
Word Definition Synonyms Usage
6. Defiant (Adjective) open resistance; bold disobedience.
  • resistant
  • obstinate
  • uncooperative
“a defiant gesture”
7. Referendum (Noun) a general vote by the electorate on a single political question which has been referred to them for a direct decision
  • public vote
  • popular vote
  • plebiscite
“he called for a referendum on the death penalty”
8. Mooted (Verb) raise (a question or topic) for discussion; suggest (an idea or possibility).
  • raise
  • mention
  • broach
  • bring up
“the scheme was first mooted last October”
9. Accord (Verb) give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).
  • give
  • grant
  • present
  • tender
“the powers accorded to the head of state”
10. Elusive (Noun) difficult to find, catch, or achieve
  • difficult to catch/find
  • difficult to track down
“success will become ever more elusive”

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