A Newspaper is a printed or online publication that provides readers with news and articles i.e. the current affairs of a country and the world. SPLessons has made an effort to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used words in newspaper articles and editorials. Current Affairs October 2019 Vocabulary Quiz provides the readers with a collection of useful vocabulary for newspapers. And this Vocabulary Quiz will help in the Competitive Exams like IBPS, RBI Grade B, SBI PO, RRB and other banking examinations.
A. Belief
B. Carnage
C. Nimiety
D. Realignment
Answer: A
2. Brazen
A. Imbue
B. Scruple
C. Kilter
D. Modest
Answer: D
3. Against the grain
A. Concentrating on practical results and facts
B. Very different from each other
C. To state officially what someone must do
D. Contrary to the natural inclination or feeling of someone or something
Answer: D
4. Vigour
A. Malady
B. Cure
C. Elixir
D. Nostrum
Answer: A
5. Retain
A. Cherish
B. Abolish
C. Unfurl
D. Engage
Answer: B
6. Strained
A. Farfetched
B. Serene
C. Rectitude
D. Inconstancy
Answer: B
7. Hard knocks
A. A state of mental uncertainty
B. A state of misfortune or affliction
C. To feel dejected and abashed after trying hard
D. Hard work that ultimately pays of
Answer: B
8. Misadventure
A. Torrid
B. Desiccated
C. Robust
D. Mishap
Answer: D
9. Witch-hunt
A. A lookout for someone who has robbed a huge property and is on a run.
B. Harassing and inappropriate behavior toward minors.
C. Looking for good opportunities that will overshadow others.
D. The searching out and deliberate harassment of those with unpopular views.
Answer: D
10. Unpalatable
A. Pleasant
B. Appetizing
C. Amiable
D. Offensive
Answer: D