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Current Affairs April 2020 Vocabulary Quiz

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Current Affairs April 2020 Vocabulary Quiz

shape Introduction

A Newspaper is a printed or online publication that provides readers with news and articles i.e. the current affairs of a country and the world. SPLessons has made an effort to provide a comprehensive list of commonly used words in newspaper articles and editorials. Current Affairs April 2020 Vocabulary Quiz provides the readers with a collection of useful vocabulary for newspapers. And this Vocabulary Quiz will help in the Competitive Exams like IBPS, RBI Grade B, SBI PO, RRB and other banking examinations.

shape Quiz

Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Scurried
    A. Traipsed B. Nipped C. Dawdled D. Plodded Answer: B

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Rhetoric
    A. Chic B. Denigrate C. Pillory D. Eloquence Answer: D

Q3. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Galvanise
    A. Dissuade B. Hullabaloo C. Stoicism D. Demotion Answer: A

Q4. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Mind-Boggling
    A. Sublime B. Startling C. Overwhelming D. Insipid Answer: D

Q5. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Perpetrator
    A. Hoodlum B. Abusee C. Reprobate D. Malefactor Answer: B

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Hitherto
    A. Ensuing B. Henceforth C. Vicinal D. Formerly Answer: D

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Pernicious
    A. Deleterious B. Notorious C. Factious D. Voracious Answer: A

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Conviction
    A. Belief B. Carnage C. Nimiety D. Realignment Answer: A

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Whirlwind
    A. Claustrophobia B. Rapid C. Enigma D. Inclination Answer: B

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Perilous
    A. Hazardous B. Inchoate C. Fervid D. Ardent Answer: A

Q11. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Inexplicable
    A. Tacit B. Weary C. Unaccountable D. Responsible Answer: C

Q12. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Fissure
    A. Accordance B. Crevice C. Emendation D. Amelioration Answer: B

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Congestion
    A. Annoyance B. Concoction C. Rendition D. Obstruction Answer: D

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Humane
    A. Barbaric B. Acumen C. Fluid D. Considerate Answer: D

Q15. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Surveillance
    A. Recon B. Boondocks C. Inate D. Overt Answer: A

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Calibrate
    A. Impotence B. Deft C. Deterrence D. Measure Answer: D

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Veteran
    A. Calumny B. Iconoclast C. Dirge D. Doyen Answer: D

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Incarceration
    A. Connement B. Complaint C. Exculpation D. Antique Answer: A

Q19. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Endearment
    A. Egoism B. Anguish C. Alienation D. Button Answer: C

Q20. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Buoyed
    A. Vivify B. Animate C. Ginger D. Desolate Answer: D
Q1. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Solitary
    A. Antisocial B. Gregarious C. Retiring D. Divulge Answer: B

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Leapfrog
    A. Discord B. Delegate C. Nosedive D. Hurdle Answer: D

Q3. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Brew
    A. Dolorous B. Menace C. Redeem D. Repress Answer: D

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Plummet
    A. Escalate B. Heighten C. Aspire D. Plunge Answer: D

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Wake-Up Call
    A. Simulation B. Intrinsic C. Facade D. Portent Answer: D

Q6. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Benign
    A. Fright B. Callous C. Bovine D. Injudicious Answer: B

Q7. Find a word that is the Antonym of: Blatant
    A. candid B. outspoken C. hushed D. vigorous Answer: C

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Fulminate
    A. Berate B. Flatter C. Defend D. Animus Answer: A

Q9. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Surly
    A. Clinch B. Pleasant C. Tentative D. Rene Answer: B

Q10. Select the word/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Bear the brunt
    A. To accept defeat even in case of a possible victory. B. To be deeply annoyed by restraints and restrictions. C. To be the ag bearer at a ceremony. D. To suffer the worst part of a problematic situation. Answer: D

Q11. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Taint
    A. Phenomenal B. Sentinel C. Ameliorate D. Empathy Answer: C

Q12. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Punctuate
    A. Contribute B. Heckle C. Couple D. Enforce Answer: B

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Ruse
    A. Tactful B. Souvenir C. Ploy D. Rened Answer: C

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Recondite
    A. Austere B. Elementary C. Abstruse D. Grotesque Answer: C

Q15. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Underpin
    A. Prop B. Support C. Ground D. Wither Answer: D

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Beseech
    A. Tender B. Hoard C. Reject D. Implore Answer: D

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Oversee
    A. Supervise B. Explicate C. Reconnaissance D. Foe Answer: A

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Conform
    A. Evade B. Infringe C. Outrage D. Observe Answer: D

Q19. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Behest
    A. Gist B. Crux C. Essence D. Instruction Answer: D

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Virulent
    A. Salubrious B. Invigorating C. Baneful D. Ethical Answer: C
Q1. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Prolong
    A. Abridge B. Convey C. Invalidate D. Movement Answer: A

Q2. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Prominent
    A. Extrusive B. Salient C. Obscure D. Underlined Answer: C

Q3. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Veteran
    A. Calumny B. Iconoclast C. Dirge D. Doyen Answer: D

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Lopsided
    A. Filthy B. Frantic C. Terrible D. Asymmetrical Answer: D

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Downgrade
    A. Overrate B. Canonize C. Prefer D. Relegate Answer: D

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Abrupt
    A. Gradual B. Unhurried C. Sudden D. Affable Answer: C

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Languish
    A. Clamour B. Dwindle C. Shrewd D. Dawdle Answer: B

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Incarceration
    A Connement B Complaint C Exculpation D Antique Answer: A

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Inexplicable
    A. Tacit B. Weary C. Unaccountable D. Responsible Answer: C

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Aftermath
    A. Modify B. Triumph C. Repercussion D. Complimentary Answer: C

Q11. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Pronounced
    A. Dissembled B. Controverted C. Trumpeted D. Repressed Answer: C

Q12. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Ethnic
    A. Native B. Cardinal C. Standard D. Reticent Answer: A

Q13. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Abandon
    A. Waive B. Abort C. Uphold D. Desert Answer: C

Q14. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Tamper
    A. Meddle B. Patch C. Fiddle D. Intrude Answer: B

Q15. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Convicted
    A. Condemned B. Attainted C. Kaput D. Exempted Answer: D

Q16. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word: Surge
    A. altercation B. stratagem C. decrease D. pitch Answer: C

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Genesis
    A. Spasm B. Rectitude C. Eudemonia D. Provenance Answer: D

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Irony
    A. Sincerity B. Probity C. Sanity D. Paradox Answer: D

Q19. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Formidable
    A. Intimidating B. Forbidding C. Foreboding D. Reassuring Answer: D

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Quaff
    A. Vile B. Guzzle C. Tenet D. Wan Answer: B
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Calibrate
    A. Impotence B. Deft C. Deterrence D. Measure Answer: D

Q2. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Priority
    A. Paltriness B. Predilection C. Proclivity D. Penchant Answer: A

Q3. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Affable
    A. Unfriendly B. Genial C. Aggressive D. Antisocial Answer: B

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Curb
    A. Muzzle B. Quagmire C. Perplex D. Benet Answer: A

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Squally
    A. Pleasant B. Monotonous C. Replicate D. Stormy Answer: D

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Distinct
    A. Faint B. Sweeping C. Bleary D. Marked Answer: D

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Congestion
    A. Annoyance B. Concoction C. Rendition D. Obstruction Answer: D

Q8. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Feasible
    A. Quixotic B. Viable C. Expedient D. Politic Answer: A

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Humane
    A. Barbaric B. Acumen C. Fluid D. Considerate Answer: D

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Surveillance
    A. Recon B. Boondocks C. Inate D. Overt Answer: A

Q11. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Alacrity
    A. Celerity B. Apathy C. Haste D. Inclination Answer: B

Q12. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Incorporate
    A. Emit B. Part C. Subsume D. Silo Answer: C

Q13. Find a word that is the antonym of: Ameliorate
    A. improve B. raise C. worsen D. remedy Answer: C

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Irk
    A. Ruin B. Nettle C. Lament D. Tacit Answer: C

Q15. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Dolorous
    A. Ebullient B. Forlorn C. Tinsel D. Hostile Answer: B

Q16. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Profuse
    A. Prolic B. Hackneyed C. Lavish D. Thrifty Answer: D

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Precursor
    A. Offshoot B. Antecedent C. Resultant D. Procient Answer: B

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Infirmity
    A. Casualty B. Frailty C. Abnegation D. Laxity Answer: B

Q19. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Commence
    A. Instigate B. Embark C. Kindle D. Forbear Answer: D

Q20. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Persevere
    A. Persistence B. Tenacity C. Assiduity D. Cease Answer: D
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Whirlwind
    A. Claustrophobia B. Rapid C. Enigma D. Inclination Answer: B

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Goad
    A. Ravage B. Seam C. Spur D. Morose Answer: C

Q3. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Perilous
    A. Hazardous B. Inchoate C. Fervid D. Ardent Answer: A

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Reinforce
    A. Miff B. Dingy C. Rampart D. Onus Answer: C

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Deliberation
    A. Spontaneity B. Inadvertence C. Musing D. Natural Answer: C

Q6. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Douse
    A. Grapple B. Kindle C. Smother D. Nettle Answer: B

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Ember
    A. Mystery B. Conict C. Aplomb D. Cinder Answer: D

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Overused
    A. Hackneyed B. Affable C. Acerbic D. Ponderous Answer: A

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Fissure
    A. Accordance B. Crevice C. Emendation D. Amelioration Answer: B

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Outbreak
    A. Abomination B. Eruption C. Fiction D. Obscenity Answer: B

Q11. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word: Vet
    A. Claustrophobia B. Rapid C. Enigma D. Inclination Answer: C

Q12. Choose the synonym for the given word: Purview
    A. Ravage B. Seam C. Spur D. Morose Answer: A

Q13. Find a word that is the ANTONYM of: Blatant
    A. Hazardous B. Inchoate C. Fervid D. Ardent Answer: C

Q14. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Mild
    A. Miff B. Dingy C. Rampart D. Dire Answer: D

Q15. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Retrench
    A. Spontaneity B. Inadvertence C. Musing D. Natural Answer: A

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Aversion
    A. Grapple B. Kindle C. Smother D. Nettle Answer: C

Q17. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Nefarious
    A. Mystery B. Conict C. Aplomb D. Cinder Answer: B

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Recondite
    A. Hackneyed B. Affable C. Acerbic D. Ponderous Answer: C

Q19. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Genteel
    A. Accordance B. Crevice C. Emendation D. Amelioration Answer: C

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Wilt
    A. Abomination B. Eruption C. Fiction D. Obscenity Answer: D
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Abduct
    A. Spurn B. Unfetter C. Snare D. Redeem Answer: C

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Prosecution
    A. Execution B. Escalation C. Quintessential D. Monotone Answer: A

Q3. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Melancholy
    A. Happiness B. Sombre C. Joyless D. Sadist Answer: A

Q4. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Perpetrator
    A. Hoodlum B. Abusee C. Reprobate D. Malefactor Answer: B

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Detention
    A. Redemption B. Deliverance C. Internment D. Emancipation Answer: C

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Pernicious
    A. Deleterious B. Notorious C. Factious D. Voracious Answer: A

Q7. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Pauper
    A. Indigent B. Bankrupt C. Impecunious D. Opulent Answer: D

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Hitherto
    A. Ensuing B. Henceforth C. Vicinal D. Formerly Answer: D

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Acquittal
    A. Assessment B. Remission C. Conviction D. Chastening Answer: B

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Conviction
    A. Belief B. Carnage C. Nimiety D. Realignment Answer: A

Q11. Find a word that is the antonym of: Exodus
    A. desertion B. diaspora C. inux D. egression Answer: C

Q12. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Benign
    A. Fright B. Callous C. Bovine D. Injudicious Answer: B

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Intelligibility
    A. Simplicity B. Propensity C. Hostility D. Temerity Answer: A

Q14. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Verge
    A. Brink B. Threshold C. Centre D. Stock Answer: C

Q15. Select the word/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Bear the brunt
    A. To accept defeat even in case of a possible victory. B. To be deeply annoyed by restraints and restrictions. C. To be the ag bearer at a ceremony. D. To suffer the worst part of a problematic situation. Answer: D

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Bailout
    A. Endanger B. Jeopardize C. Ransom D. Imperil Answer: C

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Woe
    A. Tribulation B. Fortune C. Optimism D. Euphoria Answer: A

Q18. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Underpin
    A. Prop B. Support C. Ground D. Wither Answer: D

Q19. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Temper
    A. Moderate B. Foment C. Cushion D. Admix Answer: B

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Austerity
    A. Rigour B. Plenty C. Mirth D. Candid Answer: A
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Scurried
    A. Traipsed B. Nipped C. Dawdled D. Plodded Answer: B

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Fray
    A. Sycophant B. Unprecedented C. Nefarious D. Ruckus Answer: D

Q3. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Trigger
    A. Usher B. Stem C. Axe D. Dissolve Answer: A

Q4. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Galvanise
    A. Dissuade B. Hullabaloo C. Stoicism D. Demotion Answer: A

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Rhetoric
    A. Chic B. Denigrate C. Pillory D. Eloquence Answer: D

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Substantive
    A. Corporeal B. Notional C. Epithet D. Miniature Answer: A

Q7. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Formidable
    A. Intimidating B. Forbidding C. Foreboding D. Reassuring Answer: D

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Infuse
    A. Ajar B. Duteous C. Trie D. Inoculate Answer: D

Q9. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Mind-Boggling
    A. Sublime B. Startling C. Overwhelming D. Insipid Answer: D

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Desultory
    A. Castigate B. Sporadic C. Frequent D. Constant Answer: B

Q11. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Leapfrog
    A. Discord B. Delegate C. Nosedive D. Hurdle Answer: D

Q12. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Fillip
    A. Gravitas B. Exacerbate C. Subterfuge D. Stimulus Answer: D

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Suave
    A. Torpid B. Debonair C. Awkward D. Squally Answer: B

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Fulminate
    A. Berate B. Flatter C. Defend D. Animus Answer: A

Q15. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Trepidation
    A. Composure B. Foreboding C. Perturbation D. Misgiving Answer: A

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Tranquil
    A. Turbulent B. Anarchic C. Agitated D. Serene Answer: D

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Empower
    A. Theocracy B. Commission C. Efcacious D. Colloquy Answer: D

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Ruse
    A. Tactful B. Souvenir C. Ploy D. Rened Answer: C

Q19. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Shabby
    A. Elicit B. Sordid C. Epistle D. Propel Answer: B

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Dummy
    A. Lampoon B. Grapple C. Efgy D. Prepossess Answer: C
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Lockdown
    A. Protocol B. Supreme C. Ghetto D. Connement Answer: D

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Discord
    A. Enemy B. Blister C. Disagreement D. Shore Answer: C

Q3. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Dismay
    A. Ecstatic B. Alarm C. Fright D. Humour Answer: A

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Quarantine
    A. Informative B. Inclusive C. Devastate D. Reclusion Answer: D

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: containment
    A. connement B. outline C. consensus D. pedestrian Answer: A

Q6. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Furtive
    A. Creepy B. Masked C. Sly D. Forthright Answer: D

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Vicious
    A. Skilful B. Brutal C. Expert D. Accomplished Answer: B

Q8. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Piqued
    A. Rally B. Kindle C. Stultify D. Titillate Answer: C

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Bequeath
    A. Demise B. Prescribe C. Oversee D. Swindle Answer: A

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Quibble
    A. Criticize B. Scaling C. Conquest D. Scramble Answer: A

Q11. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Frenzy
    A. Hysteria B. Doggedly C. Stubbornly D. Distractions Answer: A

Q12. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Drastically
    A. Superlatively B. Slenderly C. Predominantly D. Substantially Answer: B

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Eloquent
    A. Inarticulate B. Glib C. Spluttering D. Faltering Answer: B

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Prelude
    A. Sincere B. Preliminary C. Sorcery D. Permalink Answer: B

Q15. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Consonance
    A. Concord B. Discord C. Enable D. Incompatible Answer: A

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Phenomenon
    A. Philosophy B. Occurrence C. Scourge D. Scallop Answer: B

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Contagion
    A. Casual B. Pestilence C. Cognizance D. Laxity Answer: B

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Disseminate
    A. Vociferate B. Disperse C. Protest D. Commotion Answer: B

Q19. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Restrain
    A. Magnifying B. Twirling C. Impede D. Facilitate Answer: C

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Exodus
    A. macrocosm B. Fence C. Brutality D. Evacuation Answer: D
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Trajectory
    A. Grade B. Boondocks C. Trend D. Oodles Answer: C

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Syndrome
    A. Sorority B. Skillet C. Expertise D. Afiction Answer: D

Q3. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Contagion
    A. Casual B. Pestilence C. Cognizance D. Laxity Answer: B

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Harbour
    A. Evict B. Expose C. Maroon D. Billet Answer: D

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Lethal
    A. Fatal B. Zealous C. Palpable D. Unceremonious Answer: A

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Phenomenon
    A. Philosophy B. Occurrence C. Scourge D. Scallop Answer: B

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Stagger
    A. Swamp B. Huddle C. Ascertain D. Stumble Answer: D

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Unleash
    A. Constrain B. Restrain C. Stie D. Liberate Answer: D

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Decrepit
    A. Oblivious B. Ruined C. Absolution D. Repair Answer: B

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Consonance
    A. Concord B. Discord C. Enable D. Incompatible Answer: A

Q11. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Stake
    A. Certainty B. Hazard C. Plan D. Safety Answer: B

Q12. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Brew
    A. Dolorous B. Menace C. Redeem D. Repress Answer: D

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Dissident
    A. Nonconformist B. Conservative C. Amenable D. Compliant Answer: A

Q14. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Taint
    A. Phenomenal B. Sentinel C. Ameliorate D. Empathy Answer: C

Q15. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Relentless
    A. Severe B. Restless C. Lenient D. Harsh Answer: C

16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Conform
    A. Evade B. Infringe C. Outrage D. Observe Answer: D

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Elusive
    A. Enticing B. Confronting C. Slippery D. Intelligible Answer: C

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Immense
    A. Scant B. Towering C. Cramped D. Slender Answer: B

Q19. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Virulent
    A. Salubrious B. Invigorating C. Baneful D. Ethical Answer: C

Q20. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Mockery
    A. Contempt B. Satire C. Solemnity D. Derision Answer: C
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Obsolescent
    A. Brusque B. Lively C. Moribund D. Lucid Answer: C

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Exodus
    A. Evacuation B. Fence C. Brutality D. Incline Answer: A

Q3. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Tactile
    A. Occlude B. Onus C. Mantle D. Tangible Answer: D

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Underscore
    A. Mask B. Understate C. Emphasize D. Airbrush Answer: C

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Disseminate
    A. Vociferate B. Disperse C. Protest D. Commotion Answer: B

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Exaggeration
    A. Overstatement B. Conveyance C. Vanquishment D. Rumpus Answer: A

Q7. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Credible
    A. Lessen B. Wane C. Abrasion D. Deceptive Answer: D

Q8. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Conceded
    A. Cardinal B. Reclamation C. Repudiate D. Prejudice Answer: C

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Restrain
    A. Magnifying B. Twirling C. Impede D. Facilitate Answer: C

Q10. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Implicit
    A. Explicit B. Implied C. Explained D. Exquisite Answer: A

Q11. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Solitary
    A. Antisocial B. Gregarious C. Retiring D. Divulge Answer: B

Q12. Choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the given word: Prudent
    A. Extravagant B. Hasty C. Sagacious D. Impulsive Answer: C

Q13. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Belligerent
    A. Reformed B. Benevolent C. Defamatory D. Robust Answer: B

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Wake-Up Call
    A. Simulation B. Intrinsic C. Facade D. Portent Answer: D

Q15. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Punctuate
    A. Contribute B. Heckle C. Couple D. Enforce Answer: B

Q16. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Incisive
    A. Concise B. Perspicacious C. Trenchant D. Woolly Answer: D

Q17. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Mind-Boggling
    A. Sublime B. Startling C. Overwhelming D. Insipid Answer: D

Q18. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Beckon
    A. Convene B. Entice C. Oust D. Induce Answer: C

Q19. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Oversee
    A. Supervise B. Explicate C. Reconnaissance D. Foe Answer: A

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Linchpin
    A. Cornerstone B. Robust C. Ardent D. Indurate Answer: A
Q1. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Jingoistic
    A. Catholic B. Prejudiced C. Ethnocentric D. Insular Answer: A

Q2. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Intrinsic
    A. Elemental B. Innate C. Connate D. Accquired Answer: D

Q3. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Distraught
    A. Overwrought B. Peppy C. Prickly D. Composed Answer: D

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Frenzy
    A. Hysteria B. Doggedly C. Stubbornly D. Distractions Answer: A

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Disruptive
    A. Bewitch B. Counteract C. Dismantle D. Turbulent Answer: D

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Denial
    A. Consent B. Expeditionary C. Dissension D. Denial Answer: B

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Vicious
    A. Skilful B. Brutal C. Expert D. Accomplished Answer: B

Q8. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Accrue
    A. Sow B. Dole C. Amass D. Strew Answer: C

Q9. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Wane
    A. Atrophy B. Balloon C. Accentuate D. Dilate Answer: A

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Quibble
    A. Criticize B. Scaling C. Conquest D. Scramble Answer: A

Q11. Choose the word almost nearest in meaning to the word: Pinnacle
    A. Culmination B. Nadir C. Trough D. Basal Answer: A

Q12. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Coterie
    A. Exile B. Clique C. Leper D. Bohemian Answer: B

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Plummet
    A. Escalate B. Heighten C. Aspire D. Plunge Answer: D

Q14. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Resuscitate
    A. Revive B. Opulence C. Nubile D. Rankle Answer: A

Q15. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Thumping
    A. Immense B. Grumpy C. Companionable D. Introvert Answer: A

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Behest
    A. Instruction B. Crux C. Essence D. Solitude Answer: A

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Shrewd
    A. Besotted B. Groove C. Abet D. Wily Answer: D

Q18. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Surly
    A. Clinch B. Pleasant C. Tentative D. Rene Answer: B

Q19. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Meticulous
    A. Clinch B. Pleasant C. Tentative D. Rene Answer: D

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Beseech
    A. Implore B. Hoard C. Reject D. Desert Answer: A
Q1. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Epicentre
    A. Clamour B. Locus C. Protest D. Commotion Answer: B

Q2. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Quarantine
    A. Informative B. Inclusive C. Devastate D. Reclusion Answer: D

Q3. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Furtive
    A. Creepy B. Masked C. Sly D. Forthright Answer: D

Q4. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Imbue
    A. Curse B. Succumb C. Permeate D. Remove Answer: C

Q5. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Enforcement
    A. Disregard B. Overture C. License D. Execution Answer: D

Q6. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: containment
    A. connement B. outline C. consensus D. pedestrian Answer: A

Q7. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Oblivious
    A. Sensitive B. Heedless C. Conscious D. Responsive Answer: B

Q8. Select the word/phrase similar in meaning to the given word/phrase: Decisive
    A. Bogus B. Resolute C. Dense D. Vacuous Answer: B

Q9. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Cede
    A. Alienate B. Allow C. Withhold D. Concede Answer: C

Q10. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Swiftly
    A. Condone B. Carnal C. Hastily D. Mayhem Answer: C

Q11. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Paradigm
    A. Archetype B. Stratagem C. Opulent D. Gaudy Answer: A

Q12. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Crippling
    A. Preventing B. Dismantling C. Invigorating D. Bankrupting Answer: C

Q13. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Apprehension
    A. Artice B. Anticipation C. Anxiety D. Doleful Answer: C

Q14. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Imperative
    A. Portentous B. Incumbent C. Clamant D. Nugatory Answer: D

Q15. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Assert
    A. Refute B. Vindicate C. Adduce D. Palliate Answer: A

Q16. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Bizarre
    A. Astute B. Ludicrous C. Rational D. Discerning Answer: B

Q17. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Discretion
    A. Inadvertence B. Elision C. Chasm D. Gumption Answer: D

Q18. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Whimsical
    A. Prosaic B. Mediocre C. Colloquial D. Eccentric Answer: D

Q19. Select the word opposite in meaning to the given word: Nimbly
    A. Sluggishly B. Rapidly C. Agilely D. Adroitly Answer: A

Q20. Select the word similar in meaning to the given word: Bequeath
    A. Multiply B. Improvise C. Insult D. Bestow Answer: D

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