CSS - SPLessons
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CSS Tutorials

CSS Tutorials

shape Introduction

This chapter used to demonstrates about the CSS Tutorials which are used to define the style features of HTML elements. It is a simple design language intended to making the web pages. Following are the concepts covered in this chapter.
  • About CSS
  • History Of CSS
  • Versions of CSS

About CSS

shape Description

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets which are define rules how the elements should appear on the web pages. CSS Styles are very expressive and allows user to have the high degree of control over the styling of the HTML Elements with a little bit of code. HTML and CSS are evolved on several years back and now the latest version is the CSS3 which have the lot of new capabilities to existing once. CSS3 and HTML5 together known as the forefront of the advanced webdesign and web development. CSS are used to handle the designing (looking) part of the web page which can handle the color of the text, font style, spacing between the paragraphs, background images, colors, layout designs, variations in displays for different devices and as well as other effects. User can learn the CSS easily which provides powerful control over the HTML document mostly CSS are combined with the markup languages like HTML or XHTML.

History Of CSS

shape Description

CSS invented by Hakon Wium Lie on 10 October 1994 and which is maintained by the group of people belongs to W3C  called as CSS Working Group these people are created a document known as specifications and after the certified with the W3C members which becomes recommendations. These recommendations consist of how the internet will works and how it evolves.

Versions of CSS

shape Description

Cascading Style Sheets version 1 (CSS1) was came W3C in December 1996 which portrays the CSS language and also a basic visual formatting models for all the HTML tags. CSS version 2 (CSS2) was released by W3C in May 1998 and which builds on CSS1 and includes support for media-particular style sheets e.g. printers and aural gadgets, element positioning, downloadable text styles and tables. CSS version 3 (CSS3) was released by W3C in June 1999, and which expands on more older versions CSS. it has partitioned into documentations is called as Modules and here each module having new extension feature characterized in CSS2.


shape Key Points

  • CSS are mostly used for the Markup languages.
  • CSS mainly focused on styling part.
  • Latest version of CSS3 have lot of new capabilities.