CSS - SPLessons
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CSS Aural Media

CSS Aural Media

shape Introduction

This chapter demonstrates about the CSS Aural Media Which is the reference of web safe and custom fonts and following are the concepts covered in this chapter.
  • CSS Web Safe Fonts

CSS Web Safe Fonts

shape Description

In CSS Web Fonts many CSS Properties accept values as a keywords and which just behave like properties and in which values are case sensitive. The table below demonstrates the Sans-Serif fonts as shown.
Property Description Value Intial Value
cue Which is used to specify single direction cue properties. cue-before cue-after not defined
cue-before Which is used to set the sound which should be played before the contents get spoken. none number perecentage x-soft silent medium soft loud x-loud none
cue-after Which is used to set the sound which should be played after the contents get spoken. none number perecentage x-soft silent medium soft loud x-loud none
pause Which is used to specify all the properties in a single direction. none number perecentage x-soft silent medium soft loud x-loud none
pause-before Which is used to specify pause before the content is spoken. none x-weak weak medium x-strong strong time Which depends on browser
pause-after Which is used to specify pause after the content is spoken. none x-weak weak medium x-strong strong time Which depends on browser
phonemes Which is used to get the phonetic pronunciation for the content of the element.. string Which depends on browser
rest-before Which is used to defines the length of a reset preceeded element audio rendering content. none x-weak weak medium x-strong strong time Which depends on browser
rest-after Which is used to defines the length of a reset follows element audio rendering content. none x-weak weak medium x-strong strong time Which depends on browser
speak Which is used to defines hoe the elements content will be audible rendered. normal spell-out literal digit punctuation no-punctuation normal
speakability Which is used to defines whether an element content will be rendered aurally. none auto normal auto
voice-balance Which is used to define speaking voice of stereo balance. number center left right rightwards leftwards center
voice-duration Which is used to defines legth of the time should be taken to audibly render the content of the element. time Which depends on browser
voice-family Which is used to defines one or more voice familieswhich can be used in the audio rendering of an element content. voice voice
voice-pitch Which is used to defines average pitch of the speaking voice which should be audibly render the element content. none number percentage x-low low medium high medium
voice-pitch-range Which is used to define variations in average pitch which is used by audible rendering voice audible to the element content. perecentage x-slow slow medium x-fast fast medium
voice-rate Which is used to defines the average rate of words are spoken which are audible rendered. percentage x-slow slow medium x-fast fast medium
These are the property description and value, initial values of the aural media as defined.


shape Key Points

  • Which reference web safe and custom fonts.
  • CSS properties accept values as  keywords.
  • Aural media values are the case sensitive.