The primary thing about a view perspectives is that designing a perspective additionally generates the index. The essence of the list are comprised of the data that are prospectively initiated. The B-tree index is similar to the index, for that it generates a way toward recovering the data as fast as possible and determining a view prospectively created by the view points definition. The view perspective definition comprises of two types, such as:
Map functions
Reduce functions
JavaScript functions
Views in Rails is a program of ERB that contributes information with the controllers that are concluded commonly with the available variables. Rails generates the view perspective document for all the new and existing technique. Every strategy characterise in the controller and that are compared with the erb record, with the same name as the technique, to show the information that the technique is gathering. View perspectives can be characterised inside the perspectives segments that are configured in the reports. For example:
[c]{ "views": { "by_title": { "map": "function(doc)
{ if (doc.title != null)
emit(doc.title, null) }" } }
Uses of views
Views combines various key components regarding the CouchDB that sorts, displays and explore the data. The primary usage of perspectives views are:
Querying and indexing the data that are saved in the records.
Issuing the methods of information on particular components of a record.
Delivering lists and tables in the data that outlining record information.
Separating or sifting data from the records.
Ascertaining, outlining and diminishing expansive quantities of records.
Key Points
CouchDB With Rails Views - Used for querying and reporting the couchDB database.