CouchDB - SPLessons
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CouchDB Overview

CouchDB Overview

shape Description

The Database management system contributes instrumental repositories and recovery the information. Following are the basic principles of database management systems, such as


shape Description

This NoSQL database is a database that contribute a tools for storing and retrieving information alternative to relational tables that are utilised as a part of social databases. These databases bolster simple replication, sample API and consisting of free schema that are ultimately persistent, and can deal with tremendous measures of information's. The major target of a NoSQL database consisting of accompanying methods such as NoSQL databases performs various informational frameworks correlated to the database that are relational. It performs various functions quicker in this database. The arrangement of inclined NoSQL database relies upon the issue that can be must illuminate. These databases preserves the pair of organised information and unorganised information like files related to audio, video documents, archives and NoSQL database an be classified into the following types


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The full form of RDBMS remains for Relational Database Management System. RDBMS contains all the basics related to SQL, and current generation database frameworks like MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft Access IBM DB2 and MS SQL Server. The database management system is a part of relational database management system that that depends on the  models of relational database as presented by E. F. Codd. Working around a database system that wasn't build for infrequent writes and heavy reads that characterise on most websites. Most business RDBMS  utilises the organised query dialect to get to the database,although SQL was created after the advancement of the social model and is a bit much for its utilisation.


shape Description

CouchDB is a database that totally grasps the world wide web. This couchDB preserves the information along with JSON reports and can access the archives and queries from the lists with different search engines, by means of hyper text transfer protocols. Record and joins that converts reports into JavaScript. CouchDB functionally admirable with current networks and with versatile applications and constantly deliver network applications specifically away from CouchDB. At the same time one can disseminate the information and applications and can effectively utilise CouchDB's reapplication incremental. CouchDB underpins expert setups with automated competitions discretion's.

Features of CouchDB

shape Description

The following are the key features of couchDB they are:
  • Document storage
  • ACID properties
  • Views
  • Compaction


shape Key Points

  • NoSQL - Is a tool for storing and retrieving the information from the table.
  • RDBMS - Is a relational database management systems.
  • CouchDB - Is a database that grasps the world wide web.