CouchDB With Rails Load Testing is the way for putting request on system software's or registering gadget and calculating its reactions. Load testing is performed to decide a framework's conditions in both ordinary and expected top burden conditions. CouchDB is a database that totally grasps the world wide web. This couchDB preserves the information along with JSON reports and can access the archives and queries from the lists with different search engines, by means of hyper text transfer protocols. Record and joins that converts reports into JavaScript. CouchDB functionally admirable with current networks and with versatile applications and constantly deliver network applications specifically away from CouchDB.
It recognises the most extreme working limit of an application and in additional tasks on the application bottlenecks and figure out whichever the components are bringing about the debasement. At the point when the load set on the framework is erected ahead of ordinary utilization examples to test the framework's reaction at uncommonly high or crest loads, it is known as anxiety testing and can test the load balancer by generating a HTTP appeal to the proxy server:
By viewing the below example, the concept of load testing in couchDB can be easily understood.
[c]curl -X GET
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "_id":"doc-a"
{ "ok":true, "id":"doc-a", "rev":"1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"
"_id":"doc-a", "_rev":"1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"
Here in the above example the process of executing a load testing can be easily understood.
Key Points
CouchDB With Rails Load Testing - Putting request on system software or gadgets.