A Database is a huge gathering of logical related information, Which can be created, accessed, managed, and updated. The data may be in any form like text and numbers. There are many type of data stores, such as files on the file system, where data reading and writing will be very slow. So in this present generation, relational database administration framework is being utilized to store and maintain huge amount of information.
Attaching files into the database using Futon
The following steps describes the process of attaching a file into the database using futon.
Step - 1
For attaching a file into the database open from the web browser.
Step - 2
Click on splessons1.
Step - 3
Click on New Document.
Step - 4
Click on Save Document.
Step - 5
Click on Upload Attachments.
Step - 6
Select the file and click on upload button.
Step - 7
The selected document as been displayed and click on source button.
Step - 8
It display entire file details.
Attaching files into the database using cURL Utility
Attaching a file in couchDB database is similar to an email and these files consists of names in terms of metadata and comprises of MIME category and the numerous bytes that it attached. For attaching a file into the database can be done in CouchDB by passing a HTTP solicitation to the server utilizing PUT techniques over the utility of cURL.
The syntax for attaching a file into the database using cURL utility is as follows.
$ curl -vX PUT
/filename?rev=document rev_id --data-binary @filename -H "Content-Type:
type of the content";
--Data-binary@ => Read the files from the request source.
-H => Describes the file content.
By viewing the below example,the concept of attaching a file into the database can be easily understand.
$ curl -X GET
"_id": "001",
"_rev": "1-967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d"
$ curl -vX PUT
967a00dff5e02add41819138abb3284d --data-binary @boy.jpg -H "ContentType:
$ curl -X GET
"_id": "001",
"_rev": "2-4705a219cdcca7c72aac4f623f5c46a8",
"_attachments": {
"boy.jpg": {
"content_type": "image/jpg",
"revpos": 2,
"digest": "md5-9Swz8jvmga5mfBIsmCxCtQ==",
"length": 91408,
"stub": true
Here in the above example a database by name Splessons has been successfully uploaded.
Key Points
Attaching a file into the database - Attaching a file into the database.
Attaching a file into the database using futon - The process of attaching a file into the database .
Attaching a file into the database using cURL utility - Attaching a file into the database by passing a HTTP solicitation to the server using Delete techniques.