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Computer Awareness Practice Set 24

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Computer Awareness Practice Set 24

shape Introduction

Computer Awareness Practice Set 24 presents multiple choice Q & A for basics of computers and applications. Computer Awareness Practice Set 24 article, is exceedingly important for candidates preparing for RRB ALP/Technical Exams/Junior Engineer Recruitment, SSC CGL, UPSC (Civil services exam including IAS) Exams and etc. In this article Computer Awareness Practice Set 24, candidates can find different types of questions with solution related to the Computer Awareness section. The article Computer Awareness Practice Set 24, will assist the students understanding of the type of questions expected from the Computer Awareness section.

shape Quiz

1. The earliest calculating devices are ______________.
    A. Abacus B. Clock C. Difference Engine D. All of the above

Answer: Option A
2. Punched cards were first introduced by _____________.
    A. Powers B. Pascal C. Jacquard D. Herman Hollerith

Answer: Option D
3. Supercomputer were primarily designed by
    A. Seymour Cray B. IBM C. Hewlett-Packard D. C-DAC

Answer: Option A
4. How many vacuum tubes was used in ENIAC ?
    A. 8,498 B. 19,230 C. 17,468 D. 13,621

Answer: Option C
5. How many numbers are there in 2 bytes ?
    A. 1011100101101110 B. 0.278 C. 0.002 D. 2.000

Answer: Option A
1. What is the range of the numbers which can be stored in an eight bit register ?
    A. -127 to +127 B. -128 to +128 C. -128 to +127 D. -127 to +128

Answer: Option D
2. What is the maximum count that a 6-bit binary word can represent ?
    A. 61 B. 62 C. 63 D. 64

Answer: Option C
3. What is the excess 3 code ?
    A. Cyclic complimenting code B. Cyclic algebraic code C. Self complimenting code D. Self algebraic code

Answer: Option C
4. Where is the use of cyclic code ?
    A. Logic gate B. Processing data C. Simultaneous error-correction and Brust error detection D. Networking interface

Answer: Option C
5. The personal-computer industry was started by:
    A. IBM B. Apple C. Compaq D. HCL

Answer: Option A
1. From among the following, pick out the item that does not belong to computer:
    A. Mouse B. OCR C. MICR D. Plotter

Answer: Option D
2. Which is not an item of hardware ?
    A. An MP3 file B. A keyboard C. A disk drive D. A monitor

Answer: Option A
3. The least powerful computer is _______________.
    A. Minicomputer B. Microcomputer C. Mainframe computer D. All of the above

Answer: Option B
4. ENIAC was the computer of _______________.
    A. first generation B. second generation C. third generation D. fourth generation

Answer: Option B
5. EDVAC is ______________________.
    A. Electronic Detected Variable Automatic Computer B. Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer C. Electronic Discrete Valuable Automatic Computer D. Electronic Developed Valuable Automatic Computer

Answer: Option D

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