HTML property of a view page is used to create HTML Helper Controls.Namespace: System.Web.MVC.HTML <Object>
HTML Helper Controls
HTML Helper Controls are methods which returns any type of strings.HTML Helper Controls are similar to HTML Controls or ASP.Net Webform Controls.
The following are some features of HTML Helper Controls.
HTML Helper Controls are Light Weight Controls compared with ASP.Net Webform Controls.
HTML Helper Controls do not support Event Handling.
HTML Helper Controls do not support View State or Control State.
Every HTML Helper Control method will render the appropriate or Equivalent HTML code to the client.
Requirement: Bind a List Box and a Combo Box Using HTML Helper Controls.
Open Visual Studio Ultimate 2013.
Create a new MVC Application.
Create a view page with the name "ComboBoxExample".
Write the below code in the ComboBoxExample.cshtml
ViewBag.Title = "ComboBoxExample";
<h2>ComboBox and ListBox Example</h2>
@Html.Label("lblBranch", "Select Branch"); @*Creates a label controlnamed as "lblBranch"*@
@Html.DropDownList("cmbBranch"); @*Creates a combo Box Controlnamed as "cmbBranch"*@
@Html.Label("lblCountry", "Select Your Country"); @*Creates a label control named as "lblCountry"*@
@Html.ListBox("cmbCountry"); @*Creates a combo Box Controlnamed as "cmbCountry"*@
Go to Solution Explorer and Click on the HomeController.cs under the Controllers->Home.
Write the following code in the HomeController.cs file.
public ActionResult ComboBoxExample()
List<string> Branch = new List<string> { "CSE", "ECE", "Civil" }; //Creates a list with name "Branch"
List<string> Country = new List<string> { "Astrelia", "India", "Usa" };//Creates a list with name "Country"
ViewData["cmbBranch"] = new SelectList(Branch); //Binds the "Branch" list to "cmbBranch" combo box
ViewData["cmbCountry"] = new SelectList(Country); //Binds the "Country" list to "cmbCountry" combo box
return View();
Change the Action Name as "ComboBoxExample" in the RouteConfig.cs
Press F5 to run the Application. Then the output will appear in the browser as follows.