Drawing and detailing of Brick arrangements – Various types of Bonds
1. In ______ type of bond, all the brakes are arranged in the stretcher courses.
A. English bond
B. Header bond
C. Stretcher bond
D. Flemish bond
Answer: Option C
Explanation: The stretcher bond is useful for one brick partition walls as there is no headers in such walls. As this bond does not develop a proper internal bond, it should not be used for walls having a thickness greater than that of the one-brick wall.
2. In _______ type of bond, all the bricks are arranged in header courses.
A. Header bond
B. Flemish bond
C. Dutch bond
D. Facing bond
Answer: Option A
Explanation: Header bond does not have the strength to transmit pressure in the direction of the length of the wall. Hence it is not suitable for load-bearing walls. However this bond is used for curved surfaces in the brickwork because stretches if used for curved faces, would project beyond the face of the wall.
3. __________ bond is considered as the strongest Bond in brick work.
A. English bond
B. Raking bond
C. Garden-wall bond
D. Dutch bond
Answer: Option A
Explanation: English bond is generally used in practice. In English bond, the alternate courses consist of stretchers and headers, the queen closer is put next to the queen header to develop the face slap and each alternate header is centrally supported over a stretcher.
4. In _______ type of bond, the headers are distributed evenly.
A. Stretcher bond
B. Flemish bond
C. Header bond
D. English bond
Answer: Option B
Explanation: In Flemish bond, the headers are distributed evenly and hence, it creates a better appearance than the English bond. In Flemish Bond, in every course, the headers and stretchers are placed alternately. Here, the Quoin closer is put next to the Quoin header in alternate courses to develop the face lap.
5. In the ________ bond, one header course is provided after three or five stretcher courses.
A. English cross bond
B. Facing bond
C. Raking bond
D. Garden-wall bond
Answer: Option D
Explanation: As the name suggests, the Garden-wall bond is used for the construction of the boundary walls, compound walls, Garden walls, etc. The wall is one brick wall and its height does not exceed 2 meters. The wall may be constructed either in English bond or Flemish bond.