AngularJS - SPLessons

AngularJS Expressions

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AngularJS Expressions

AngularJS Expressions

shape Description

An application data is binded to HTML view using AngularJS Expressions. There are a lot of differences between AngularJS expressions and JavaScript expressions. AngularJS has got its own mechanism to parse the expressions. The expression has to be brought inside the double braces:{{expression}} and it will behave as ng-bind directive. In the present chapter, AngularJS Expression is explained with examples. For these type of expressions, Interpolation directive is called, an alternative to ng-bind directive. So, the Interpolation directive binds or wraps the value of expression into HTML view.

shape Expression Description

From the above figure, the interpolation directive is {{firstName + " " + lastName }}.

AngularJS Numbers

shape Example

AngularJS numbers are similar to JavaScript numbers. [html] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>AngularJS Numbers</title> </head> <body> <h1>AngularJS Numbers</h1> <div ng-app="" ng-init="x=10;y=20"> <p>Addition: {{ x + y }}</p> <p>Subtraction: {{ x - y }}</p> <p>Multiplication: {{ x * y }}</p> <p>Division: {{ x/y }}</p> </div> <script src=""></script> </body> </html> [/html] Output:

AngularJS Strings

shape Example

AngularJS strings are similar to JavaScript Strings. [html] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>AngularJS Strings.</title> <script data-require="angular.js@1.3.14" data-semver="1.3.14" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h1>AngularJS Strings</h1> <div ng-app="" ng-init="firstName='Smith'; lastName='Watson';"> <p>Full Name: {{firstName + " " + lastName }}</p> </div> </body> </html> [/html] Output:

AngularJS Objects

shape Example

AngularJS objects are similar to JavaScript objects. [html] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>AngularJS Objects</title> <script data-require="angular.js@1.3.14" data-semver="1.3.14" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h1>AngularJS Objects</h1> <div ng-app="" ng-init="person={firstName:'Smith',lastName:'Watson'}"> <p>Full name is {{ person.firstName }}</p> </div> </body> </html> [/html] Output:

AngularJS Arrays

shape Example

AngularJS arrays are similar to JavaScript arrays. [html] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> <head> <title>AngularJS Arrays</title> <script data-require="angular.js@1.3.14" data-semver="1.3.14" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h1>AngularJS Arrays</h1> <div ng-app="" ng-init="points=[1,2,3,3,5]"> <p>The result is {{ points[2] }}</p> </div> </body> </html> [/html] Output:


shape Key Points

  • AngularJS expressions are expressed in double braces.
  • The Interpolation directive binds or wraps the value of expression into HTML view.For eg: {{firstName + " " + lastName }}