Android Interview Questions - SPLessons
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5 Steps - 3 Clicks

Android ProgressBar

Android ProgressBar

Android progress bar is used to determine the progress of a particular task like uploading or downloading a file from the internet. This feature was added in API Level 1. You can create the Android progress bar by using ProgressDialog class. However, you need to instantiate an object of this class. The logic in progress bar is: using a “Thread” to run your task and another “Thread” to update the progress bar status accordingly. Here, we are going to explain you about the creation of progress bar in Android applications. First, create under  src/<your packagename>. [java] public class MainActivity extends Activity { Button download; ProgressDialog progressBar; private int progressBarStatus = 0; private Handler progressBarHandler = new Handler(); private long fileSize = 0; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); //set activity content to external view setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); //find views by Id download = (Button) findViewById(; //on click download download.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){ @Override public void onClick(View v) { // creating progress bar dialog progressBar = new ProgressDialog(v.getContext()); progressBar.setCancelable(true); progressBar.setMessage("File downloading ..."); progressBar.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); progressBar.setProgress(0); progressBar.setMax(100);; //reset progress bar and file size status progressBarStatus = 0; fileSize = 0; new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while (progressBarStatus = 100) { // sleeping for 1 second after operation completed try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();} // close the progress bar dialog progressBar.dismiss(); } } }).start(); }//end of onClick method }); } // checking how much file is downloaded and updating the filesize public int doOperation() { //The range of ProgressDialog starts from 0 to 10000 while (fileSize <= 10000) { fileSize++; if (fileSize == 1000) { return 10; } else if (fileSize == 2000) { return 20; } else if (fileSize == 3000) { return 30; } else if (fileSize == 4000) { return 40; } else if (fileSize == 5000) { return 50; } else if (fileSize == 6000) { return 60; } else if (fileSize == 7000) { return 70; } else if (fileSize == 8000) { return 80; } else if (fileSize == 9000) { return 90; } else if (fileSize == 10000) { return 100; } }//end of while return 100; }//end of doOperation } [/java] Create activity_main.xml  in res/layout folder. activity_main.xml: [xml]