Analog electronics deals with Analog signals which are continuous signals and vary continuously with time. Most of the signals are analog in nature. In contrast, Digital electronics is where signals usually take only two levels[ON/OFF, HIGH/LOW..]. Digital Electronics deals with digital signal which is discrete signal. Analog and digital circuits are primarily used to transmit and process the information like sound, light from an environment to generate continuous variable signals. To get the outputs, analog circuits can directly give the signals while a digital circuit has to change the information back to an analog signal. Analog and Digital Electronics chapter provides some basic information about analog and digital electronics and circuits.
Primary Difference: The Analog electronic circuit includes an analog signal with any continuously changeable signal. Analog circuit can be used to convert the original signal into some other format such as a digital signal. A digital circuit is a circuit where the signal should be one of two discrete levels. Each level is interpreted as one of two different states (for instance, 0 or 1). This logic is the base of digital electronics & computer processing. Analog circuits can route the signals directly, whereas digital circuits change the analog signals by evaluating them at regular intervals and giving out the resulting values. To get the outputs, analog circuits can directly give the signals while a digital circuit has to change the information back to an analog signal.
The Analog Signals can be converted into Digital by A/D Analog to Digital Converter circuits and vice a versa Digital Signal is converted into Analog by D/A Digital to Analog converter. Analog electronics is the processing of continuous voltages and currents, that can have any values between two limits. Digital electronics is the processing of discrete signals that are associated with numbers.
A. only numerical data
B. only non-numerical data
C. both numerical and non-numerical data
D. neither numerical nor non-numerical data
Answer: C
Q2. Which of the following circuit converts a JK flip-flop to T
Q3. Correction in decimal adder is required because
A. sums are represented wrongly in binary code
B. sums are represented wrongly in BCD code
C. the numbers to be added are not represented in BCD
D. none of these
Answer: B
Q4. The function of strobe pulse in digital system is
A. to reset memory registers
B. to check the functioning of a logic gate
C. to avoid race problem
D. to shift data in registers
Answer: C
Q5. Which of the following is not a magnetic memory?
A. Flip-flop
B. Tape
C. Drum
D. Disk
Answer: A
Q6. Registers and counters are similar in the sense that they
A. are made from an array of flip-flops and gates integrated on a single chip
B. store binary information
C. count pulses
D. are, in fact, shift registers
Answer: A
Q7. The number of comparator circuits required to build a three-bit simultaneous A/D converter is
A. 7
B. 8
C. 15
D. 16
Answer: A
Q8. What is the function of control unit in the CPU?
A. Decoding of program instructions.
B. Transfer of data to primary storage.
C. Performing logical operations.
D. Storage of program instructions.
Answer: A
Q9. Which of the following logics has excellent noise margin?
D. All of these
Answer: C
Q10. Programmable Logic Array (PLA) uses
A. ROM matrices
B. PROM matrices
C. RAM matrices
D. Silo memory
Answer: C
Q11. The output Y of the logic circuit given below is
A. 1
B. 0
C. X
D. [latex]\overline {X}[/latex]
Answer: A
Q12. In the sum of products function f(X, Y, Z) = S (2, 3, 4, 5), the prime implicants are
A. [latex]\overline {X}Y[/latex] , [latex]X\overline{Y}[/latex]
B. [latex]\overline {X}Y[/latex] , [latex]X\overline{Y}{Z}[/latex],[latex]X\overline{Y}Z[/latex]
C. [latex]X\overline{Y}\overline{Z}[/latex], [latex]\overline{X}YZ[/latex], [latex]X\overline{Y}[/latex]
D. [latex]\overline{X}Y\overline{Z}[/latex], [latex]\overline{X}YZ[/latex]
Answer: A
Q13. A latch is ________ sensitive
A. both level and edge
B. edge
C. level
D. None
Answer: C
Q14. How many bits are required to store one BCD digit ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer: D
Q15. In binary number system the first digit (bit) from right to left is called as
A. LSB, Least Significant Bit
B. MSB, Most Significant Bit
C. First Bit
D. Last Bit
Answer: A
Q16. A D-flip-flop is said to be transparent when
A. The output is LOW
B. The output is HIGH
C. The output follows clock
D. The output follows input
Answer: D
Q17. Which of these sets of logic gates are designated as universal gates?
Answer: A
Q18. In the toggle mode a JK flip-flop has
A. J = 0, K = 0 .
B. J = 1, K = 1.
C. J = 0, K = 1.
D. J = 1, K = 0.
Answer: B
Q19. Which of the following is a digital device?
A. Regulator of a fan
B. Microphone
C. Resistance of a material
D. Light switch
Answer: D
Q20. If a Hexadecimal number needs to convert to binary. For each hexadecimal digit, there will be how many bits
A. Boolean expression
B. Boolean map
C. Boolean matrix
D. Boolean addition
Answer: A
Q32. The boolean algebra is mostly based on
A. Boolean theorem
B. De Morgans theorem
C. De Morpans theorem
D. Standard theorem
Answer: B
Q33. A + A– is equal to
A. A
B. A
C. 0
D. 1
Answer: D
Q34. Complement of XNOR and NOR is _____ and ______ respectively.
Answer: D
Q35. Convert the binary number (1111000011110000) to hexadecimal number
A. 1010
B. F0F0
C. 7070
D. 5050
Answer: B
Q36. Positive integers must be represented by
A. Signed numbers
B. Unsigned number
C. Both A and B
D. None of these.
Answer: B
Q37. EBCDIC is abbreviated as
A. Extended Bit Coded Decimal Interchange Code
B. Extended Binary Coded Dectation Interchange Code
C. Extended Binary Color Decimal Interchange Code
D. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
Answer: D
Q38. A sequence of binary digits is known as
A. Bit string
B. Byte string
C. Input string
D. Word string
Answer: A
Q39. Why decoder is used in the digital electronics ?
A. To convert coded information into non coded form
B. To convert non coded information into coded form
C. It is used to separate address bus and data bus
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Q40. How the digital signals is transmitted through a single conductor ?
A. Parallel
B. Analog
C. Serial
D. None of the above
Answer: C
Q41. How many input and output required for multiplexer ?
A. Many input and one output
B. One input and many output
C. One input and one output
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Q42. When will be the output of an AND gate is HIGH if there are three inputs, A, B, an d C ?
A. A = 0, B = 0 , C = 0
B. A = 1, B = 1 , C = 0
C. A = 1, B = 0 , C = 1
D. A = 1, B = 1 , C = 1
Answer: D
Q43. Why small bubble is given on the output of the NAND gate symbol ?
A. Tristate
B. Output is inverted
C. Open collector output
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Q44. A quartz crystal oscillator consists of
A. Only series resonant frequency.
B. Only parallel resonant frequency.
C. Both series and parallel frequencies.
D. Neither series nor parallel frequency.
Answer: C
Q45. Quantities whose values very with time are
A. digital
B. scalar
C. analogue
D. vetor
Answer: C